Dear Gustave (Hamilton AU?)

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TW:DEATH and sadness 😀

"Goodnight Gustave" Christine whispered, pressing a kiss to his forehead and tucking him in. A warm tear ran down her cheek as her husband stood in the doorway, "mama why are you crying" The 6 year old boy asked clueless to what was going on. "Mama's just is tired baby, nothing to worry about. I love you" Christine said, getting up off her son's bed. "I love you too" the brown haired boy said smiling, Erik then blew out the candle in the bedroom, closing the door, and leading Christine to the living room.

Christine stumbled on her feet feeling weak, The deformed man helped keep her up as they reached the couch. More tears slipped down her rosy cheeks as she began to lay down on the sofa, Erik sitting down on the floor next to her. Thankfully he had his mask off so she could see his beautiful face.

The soprano turned her head to look at her husband who wore a sad smile on his face still trying to comfort her though he was hurting.

"-Eriik.." her voice now raspy and stuck in a whisper. A hopeless feeling ate at her trying to break her.

Erik glazed into her tear filled forest green eyes, "i-its time" she whispered as a few more tears fell down. The musician nodded slowly trying to accept it himself, " sing for m-me one last time?" The woman asked quietly. He held her hand as he began 

"T-think of all-all the things we've shared… and seen d-don't think about the.. way things might have been.."

Christine began to close her eyes as more tears slipped down her face, she couldn't imagine the pain this will bring Her husband and son. Suddenly she  whispered to the man in front of her 



"I i-i love you so m-uch" her raspy voice said as she felt a drowning yet peaceful feeling wash over her. A mourning full voice Sang through the quiet room,

"Christine, i-i love you" 

Erik let out a quiet sob as her small hand went limp, no no no please no! Why her? Why not me?!? She didn't deserve this!. The man's mind thought as he laid his head down next to Christine's body.

5:53 am

Erik woke to him still next to Christine, holding her cold hand. He stood up and got a blanket, putting it over her body. She looked as if she was taking a peaceful nap.

"Dad?" Gustave asked nervously peering around the corner, Erik walked over trying to take his son's attention away from his mother. "Is mommy okay?" he asked, teary eyed.

Letting out a sad sigh Erik took his son's hand a led him into the kitchen, qhe put Gustave on a chair and kneeled in front of him. He needed to tell him, it was something normal words couldn't express. So he did it the only way he knew how to 

"D-dear Gustave how to say to you, s-sometime last night your mother bre-thed your name and like a flame that flickers out to soon she died- she's gon-"

Erik let out a painful sob, His son now was crying as well. 

"She dedicated every day t-to you
She changed my life
She made my life w-worthwhile 
A-and when you smile 
A part of h-her lives on
I know I can go on.."

Gustave left into his arms, Erik embraced the small figure. He tried to pull it together for him

"You have come of age with our y-young nation 
We breath and figh…" his works cut short as it felt hard to break. 

"Sometimes it seems t-thats all we do 
But you and i-i will build a strong foundation
And I'll be here for you 
That way it's clear for you to blow us all away
Yeah you'll blow us all away
Someday someday….."

Someone You Loved | Christine x Erik One-shotsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat