Cookies (Modern AU)

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Okay onto the story!

"I'm not gonna stop poking you until you give me some attention" Christine continued to poke her working boyfriend next to her, Erik Sighed and stopped typing as he felt another poke to his side, "C'mere, You can sit in my lap until I'm done working" the man offered. Christine soon crawled into his lap smiling. 

Once she was comfortable she felt Erik put his head over her shoulder so that he could see what he was typing. She felt a blush creep onto her face from him being around her neck, 'Jesus Christine stop it-' she yelled at herself in her head.

Christine soon zoned out while Erik Continued to write an essay for college, (Probably for music) after a tiny but longer he finally typed the last sentence and shut his computer. Christine felt her partner move behind her and came out of her zoning out phase, Erik relaxed his posture and leaned a bit more on Christine's shoulder and wrapped his arms around her small frame.

The girl felt her boyfriend melt into her touch, she smiled at how cute he was being. Most people would find Erik intimidating and even scary, if they only knew how soft he actually is.

Erik looked at Christine out of the corner of his eye, he soon realized that she was blushing. He internally laughed at her, suddenly he had an idea 'how much can I make her blush?-" he thought to himself. 'Well i guess there's only one way to find out💀'

Christine felt Erik's head move off her shoulder, she was confused but figured that he was probably just trying to get comfortable again. That was until she felt a pair of gentle lips on the back of her jawline, she resisted the gasp that was so close to coming out of her lips. He slowly made his way down by her shoulder, pressing soft kisses along her. 

The girl let out a small hum pleading for more, right as she thought they were getting somewhere Erik stopped and looked up at her and seemed as if he was holding back a laugh. Erik looked at the blushing mess and tried to hold back a giggle from the look she gave him, he soon gave her a small kiss on the lips leaving her confused. "Wait-what was that for?" She asked very confused about this whole thing, "well-" He started, "I saw you blushing and I wanted to see how much more I could make you blush-" the man explained simply. 

Christine fakely pouted and had a frown on her face but she was trying not to Crack a smile. "I hate you" she said pouting like a 7 year old, "love you too" he said chuckling. 
It didn't take long for a smile to return to her doll-like face, "I'm kinda hungry…" she mumbled, he slowly got up from behind her and then she assumed that he was going to the kitchen to find something for her. "Can you carry me please?" She asked looking the taller man in his blue and green eyes, "Of course darling" . He came back over to the bed and carefully picked her up with a warm smile on his face.

They reached the kitchen and he put her down on a stool gently, he walked over to the other side of the counter not knowing what to do. "Okay so- what do you want to eat?" He asked his girlfriend, "ummmm idk-... actually I do!" She answered herself which caused Erik to chuckle. "Can we make some cookies?" The Girl  asked knowing it was a little late to be cooking food let alone cookies, "Christine its almost one in the morning-" Erik was soon cut off by a hungry girl. "But Erikkkk I want cookies" she said, giving him puppy eyes.

He knew that he couldn't resist those forest green eyes of hers. He gave a dramatic sigh then went to go get the ingredients out of the cupboards, Christine watched as she waited for him to pull out one particular ingredient. Erik  pulled out the chocolate chips last knowing that's what the girl wanted, he set them as far away as he could so that they are out of her reach. The slightly younger woman eyed the bag that was next to her boyfriend.

Before Erik turned around to get trays and such he pointed at the chocolate chip bag and began talking "don't eat these-we need them for the cookies" he gave a stern yet playful look to the hungry woman. Once he made that clear he turned around and headed back to the cupboards to try to find a cooking tray, 'as if i'm gonna listen to that' the mischievous girl thought to herself. 

She quickly reached out for the bag, in which doing so she had to lean all the way over the counter top. The bag was soon in her hands, she took a small handful and dumped them in her mouth. Erik turned around to say something but then saw she had the chocolate chips, "Christineeee" he said dragging out the e in her name. The soprano giggled and then continued to have a few more, Erik approached her and then took a few of them for himself. She was going to say something about that but she let it slide.

Timeskip to when the cookies are  in the oven 

Christine watched as Erik put the tray in the oven then closed it, he turned back to her offering his hand. "veux-tu me rejoindre mademoiselle?" He spoke in perfect French, "bien sûr monsieur" she attempted responding in French with a warm smile. 

Erik guided them into the living room then sat down onto their couch, Christine snuggled into his sweater. The soprano grabbed the remote and  then turned on 'bird box' which was a movie she had been wanting to watch. 

Around 25 minutes into the movie the masked man looked down at his angel with loving eyes, he pressed a soft kiss on her head which caused her to look up. Christine gazed into his sea green and winter blue eyes, Erik soon closed the space between them by kissing her. The kiss was filled with passion and love, the kiss soon turned into making out. Christine moved herself so that she was facing him fully instead of being on his side, both of their tongues fought over dominance. 

The pair pulled apart slightly gasping for air, it was only a few seconds until they connected lips once more. The small girl slowly moved herself for a second time, she slowly made her way onto his lap. Christine felt her body falling off of Erik breaking their lips from each other, she fell onto the cold carpet leaving both of them in shock. Erik rushed down to her on the ground, concern flooded his face yet he looked like he was trying not to laugh from how it all happened so quickly. "Are you alright?!?" He asked checking her face to see if she had any injuries, she gently cupped his face making him look her in the eyes, "I'm alright" Christine said giggling Slightly at him, Erik out a sigh of relief.

The Timer on the oven went off loudly which caused Erik to dart up and into the kitchen, Christine got up then followed her boyfriend into the kitchen. She saw him taking out the tray with a cooking mitten (idk what they are called-) her nose filled with a heavenly smell. She continued to watch as Erik set the tray down onto the top of the stove, once he was done setting everything down he turned to her and have her a warm smile which melted her heart.

Erik soon turned his back to get a few things, Christine quietly reached into the flour bag and grabbed a handful. Once she saw her boyfriend turn around slightly she threw the handful at him, getting it all over his sweater, "i-" Erik looked at her in shock which caused her to start laughing. "Oh it's so on" The man said, challenging her, luckily the had two bags of flour so he grabbed one and threw a handful back at her. The war began between the two, both of them being covered in flour, Christine's beautiful hair was now covered in white flour and Erik's sweater was now slightly white. 

The war continued for a while until both of them were tired and covered in flour. Both of them broke the silence by breaking out in laughter. Erik walked over to Christine and pulled her into a loving embrace, still laughing at what happened. 

"I should probably go take a shower" the masked man mumbled in his girlfriend's ear, "maybe we could take one together.." Christine whispered a suggestion. Erik pulled out of the embrace and looked at her somewhat surprised, " know to save water.." The small girl said acting as if water was the only thing that would lead her to say that. "Oh really? Is that it?" He smirked at the blushing soprano, "mmm" She mumbled biting her lip. Erik carefully picked up Christine and off to shower they went. 

Hi! I hope you enjoyed! Feel free to comment requests, have a nice day :)💕

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