The drawing (Titanic AU)

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For the anniversary of this tragic event I decided to write a fluff filled one-shot to deal with the pain of me rewatching the titanic movie, enjoy!

Christine laughed as she led Erik into her place on the ship, "this is the sitting room, it's quite proper I assure you" she said taking after her scarf, she watched as the masked man scanned the room but was drawn to the many paintings. "Will this light do?" The soprano asked, getting a confused look from the dark haired man, "what?" Erik raised his eyebrow at the question. "Don't artists need good light?" She asked, he had asked to draw her only a few minutes ago. She had been so lucky to see his drawings and read some of his compositions yesterday, he was a genius when it came to that. 

"That is true, but I'm not used to working in such fine conditions" he smirked putting on a fake accent, the brunette let out a small laugh as she tucked away her white scarf. "Oh my" Christine's head perked up from him walking to a painting, she walked over, couching, down next him. "Do you know his work?" She questioned, "of course, look at his use of color here" he pointed over to a flower on the canvas. "Isn't it great?" He said admiring the work, "I know, it's amazing" she then continued to walk back to the couch waiting for Erik to set up his own work.

Small timeskip 

Christine began to open up a safe in the Corner, meanwhile Erik's eyes wandered around the room. "Raoul insists on locking up this hideous thing everywhere" The woman said, finally opening the box "will we be expecting him anytime soon?" Christine heard the hint of worry in the artist's voice. "Not as long as the cigarettes and Brandeis hold out" she responded, taking the necklace out of its box then continued to walk up next to him. 

She handed him the heavy necklace,  Erik inspected its beauty in awe. "Thats nice" he said looking up at her for a second then back to the necklace. "What is it? A sapphire?" He questioned holding it up, Christine watched with a blank expression " a diamond. A very rare diamond" the masked man took note in how she sounded annoyed by the piece of jewelry. "Erik I want you to draw me like one of your French girls" a small smirk rested on her face, "Alright" he still inspected the royal blue diamond as if he was trying to find the secrets that lied within it. "Wearing this…. Only this" she whispered the last part in his ear sending a shiver down his spine, he turned his head to her in slight shock but nodded.

Another small time skip

Erik moved a sofa into the center of the room trying to figure out what would look good, once doing so he sat down in the spot he made, the sofa in front of him. The tenor messed with the buttons on his shirt with anxiety, waiting for Christine to get ready.

Meanwhile Christine unclipped her curly hair from the butterfly pin, she had a small issue with trying to get the necklace on but figured out that she was doing it wrong. She began to slip out of her heavy blue gown, it piled at her feet as it fell down. She then took off her corset, chemise, and bloomers. The songbird then put on a slightly see through black robe, she looked in the mirror being satisfied with the results.

The artist jumped out of his thoughts when he heard the door open, Christine stepped out twirling part of the rove jokingly. The man stared in shock, what was it about her? He never felt this way about the other women he drew, Maybe it was because they had something special. 

The woman made her way over to Erik with a grin on her face, "the last thing I need is another picture of me looking like a porcelain doll" she said, acting serious. She then put her hand out and put some change on the table holding his supplies, "as a paying customer, I expect to get what I want" a small smile grew on her face as she awaited his reaction. 

She slowly began to let her robe fall from her body, Erik's eyes trailed down her body as the black fabric fell to the ground. He then made eye contact with her, God was she beautiful. His voice betrayed him as he nervously pointed to the sofa, "..over um.. the bed-the couch…" he mentally yelled at himself for being so awkward. Christine smiled and then laid on the couch, unsure on what to do with her arms.


"Tell me when it looks right"

"Put your arm back the way it was, right. Put that other arm up- that hand right by your face there" Christine did as he instructed. "Alright now, head down" she lowered her head slightly, "your eyes, keep them on me" he instructed. "Try to… stay still" he awkwardly said, the brunette let out a deep breath. 

Christine watched as the deformed man began to sketch, looking up at her from time to time. A serious look upon his face which made her want to laugh, "so serious" she joked trying to mimic the face he was making. The look was now replaced with a gentle smile, 'Agh his smile is so contagious' the brunette thought to herself.

His hands moved quickly as he worked, he looked up to see the diamond. Erik then drew its beauty, the girl gazed at him lovingly. He then began to draw the more secret parts of her body, a light blush crept across his face. "I believe you are blushing mr big artist" she teased, Erik listened but didn't respond. "I can't imagine Monsieur Leroux blushing" she mentioned the artist of the painting they looked at earlier which caught his addiction. "He does landscapes" he teased back, causing a small laugh to escape her lips.

"relax your face" 


"No laughing" he joked as he continued to work. Christine continued to watch as he drew her, time passed on and it seemed the more focused he became. 

Eventually he finished, she then got dressed before coming out to see her portrait. She came behind Erik and hovered over his shoulder, the songbird then looked at the drawing. It was perfect. "You are truly beautiful my dove" he whispered in her ear, "thank you" she hummed turning to him. Her hand cupped his face, carefully she took off his mask. He didn't care what he looked like, this was the man she loved, she wanted to grow old with. They then leaned into a passionate kiss, never wanting to leave each other.

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