Chapter 18

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The festival was head on the same mountain as last summer's festival… This time there were even more stalls and games. It was a particularly bright night , the lights adored the group while the stars decorated the sky… as nishikata stepped closer and closer to the sight, he felt overwhelmed by the light and beauty… 

Nishikata wasn't with Takagi this time around he was with kimura and his friends… it seemed that everyone was here… 

The trio was separated for once, with sanae and mina hanging around kimura takao and nishikata after they bumped into one another on the way there… so he, mina, sanae takao and kimura were together.. 

Yukari was with her little sister, who she was supposed to look after for the festival so she was mostly too busy to poke her nose into anything , mano and nakai were together.. 

Oddly it seemed that nishikata shouting at mano was actually beneficial for their relationship… as it turned out mano ran and hid under a bridge by the river to cry her eyes out nishikata had made her realize what she was doing to both him and their relationship…

In the process of trying to protect the things she loved she had accidentally pushed them away from her… nakai and mano had apparently shared a moment together under the bridge earlier… nishikata had no idea what the moment was or what they had done together but he was glad that they were alright now, he wasn't gonna pester them as he didn't want to awaken his inner mano and also he didn't need to apologize for being right.. 

Hamaguchi was with Houjou and he had asked Houjou to the festival soon after nishikata had helped him… 

As it seemed now, nishikata and takagi were the only problematic factors…  sumire was with takagi and her brother who had dropped her off… 

" Listen… I'll call you in around two hours, then we'll meet at the parking lot and we'll go home, don't lose your phone again and have fun " Yosuke said… 

" Again ? "

" I once lost my phone in a festival like 2 years ago… '' She explained to sumire , and they seperated, she had no idea how she was gonna apologize to him just that she needed to do it… 
" I'm sorry but only four people can go in at once… this makeshift Ferris wheel won't be able to stand the weight… " The worker informed them 

Sanae and mina had already climbed inside and getting them out would be utterly impossible so, the boys decided to do a rock paper scissors contest , nishikata stared at his scissors while both takao and kimura laughed with their rocks… 

now he had a choice… either he waited for the next coach and be trapped in that compartment with a bunch of strangers or just leave and do something else for now.. So he obviously left.. 

The festival was beautiful… he still remembered the summer festival how they had missed the fireworks… how he had somehow held her hand… Something clicked in nishikata's head… did he really want to lose her over this petty fight? 

Sure both of them had done some things to each other… but to his knowledge … she hadn't even told anyone about the fight to anyone.. Not Mano, not her friends. no one… yosuke had only noticed because he was perceptive… 

"So… what's the big deal? Why can't we just get over it… " He had continuously tried to push her away… he wanted to apologize yes but he needed some space… " That would have been a great opportunity… "

He was still walking around thinking when he felt something tackling his leg and he almost fell over… when he looked down he saw tiny little girl wearing a cute dress… he immediately recognised her because of her voice 

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