Chapter 13

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Nishikata was in absolute torment… the worst possible thing he could've imagined… everyone… at least a lot of people knew that… Someone had seen them going in and out of the corner behind the school… they stayed there for some time too.. Some wild assumptions were spreading.. 

Nishikata didn't like this… at all.. He was being bombarded with both his friends and people he didn't know asking him about him and takagi and it wasn't like he could just say he and she were hugging… 

In this school simply holding hands makes two people a couple that's why everyone accepts Mano and Nakai as a couple.. But if word of a hug got around the assumptions and conspiracies would go wild, almost as wild as saying Yui was actually the secret child of nishikata and takagi… 

one other boy had hugged a girl in his grade and though he didn't confirm whether this boy had a crush on the girl or not the rumors were enough for them to separate from each other , to this day that the boy and the girl havent talked with each other , both are too afraid to stir up rumors old and new by simply interacting… and both blamed the other for the harassment both had faced so their relationship outside school wasn't great either… 

If nishikata's first Instinct was shock and rage his second was fear… fear that he had lost her… 

Desperate to talk to his crush he was running through the hallway through the crowd , " I know… I don't have that much of a chance with her… it's not that likely to work out… but I want to salvage this chance… at any rate I don't want this to ruin my friendship with her " 

He burst through the door of her classroom and his eyes zoomed over to takagi's seat…there was no one there… There was one other girl, he quickly leaped to her and asked her, " Have you seen takagi? "

" Wait… aren't you… "

" It's urgent, have you seen takagi?! " He said while getting more embarrassed 

The girl chuckled, " I saw her with her friends a few minutes ago, there probably on the patio by the trees… "

He didn't wait any longer to witness her reaction.. He was out of the classroom and on the stairs in a flash moving dangerously fast… 

The sunlight cut through the trees who had just shed their leaves after autumn, the girls were teasing Takagi about the rumors 

"So how far did you two go? " A friend joked 

" Can we expect a neice or a nephew soon? " 

" Oh my gosh, stop you two!! " Takagi tried to make them stop but the jokes continued, other than the two friends Mano , houjou and sumire were also there and ,  sumire wasn't too concerned with the rumors, houjou wasn't about to speak because even the slightest of change of topic could result in talking about hamaguchi asking her out… and Mano just wanted to bombard takagi with questions but she knew takagi wouldn't answer in public so she kept her mouth shut 

Suddenly the laughs subsided… the girls had noticed something.. Or rather someone… running in their direction… 

Nishikata had ran with his full speed from one corner of the school to another… he was panting , sweat trickled down the side of his face.. 

" I need to speak with her… " He said.. While completely exhausted… all the girls contemplated between sending her to talk with him and potentially hear some of their conversation or to leave themselves so as to give them some privacy.. 

Mano was gonna opt to stay , sumire opted to leave at once , houjou and the other girls were neutral on the whole matter so they were at a stalemate… 

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