Chapter 10

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Takagi was walking down the road to the grocery store... even though it was winter, the sun was still sweltering in the afternoon

She was about to cross the road when she heard a familiar sound, " A bell? "

She turned and saw, nishikata cycling fast, the boy was almost at the speed of a scooter, then suddenly a car sped up behind him causing him to jerk himself to one side of the road rather abruptly, he almost crashed into the pole , he paused for a second and then screamed at the top of his voice, " LEARN TO DRIVE YOU SON OF A - "

he was interrupted when he saw takagi, and he just awkwardly tried to compose himself, " Hey Takagi-san... almost didn't see you there... "

" What was that ? "

" Nothing much "

" They say cursing isn't good for you... "

"I didn't curse now did I... "

" You would've if you didn't see me..."

" That's not the point... "

" So where are you going ? "

" Just riding around... this warm weather melted the snow and now I can cycle again "

"You weren't even able to do the part time job huh? "

" It just felt good to cycle again... "

She smiled and joked around with him some more until she noticed something, Nishikata's eyes... They looked calm but there were marks near his eyelids... he had been crying

" Nishikata are you okay? "

" Uhh... yeah? "

" You look like you were crying... "

" Huh? " He quickly pulled out his water bottle and squirted some water on his face " Look better now? "

" Yeah but why were you crying? "

" A small argument with my mom... " He said while looking away

She could sense that he didn't want to talk about so she didn't press, " Oh.. You aren't gonna wipe your face? "

" My face? "

" Yeah it's completely wet.. The drops are still dripping down your eyebrows.. "

" I'll just cycle again, the wind and the sun will dry the moisture away "

" Geez that's not a good idea, what's the point of washing your face if you're just gonna get it dirty again with all the dust "

" It isn't that big of a deal "

" You really don't know how to take care of yourself huh? "

" Ok I'm sorry miss beauty queen "

" Snide remarks aside just stay still for a few seconds " She pulled her napkin from her pocket and pressed it lightly against his face..

"I can do that myself you know.. " He felt his face heating up

She decided not to address his blush, " I don't mind doing it for you.." and continued till his face was dry

" You should word your sentences better takagi-san " He said while looking away again to hide his face , he quickly took the napkin from her , he would return it later when it was clean

" Do I now? "

He sat back on his cycle and after chatting with her for a bit, " I guess I'll see you later then... "

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