Chapter 16

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He stood besides the table, his mother was in a rush to leave, " Are you sure you don't wanna come with me... we need to speak to you dad yuki.. "

" I don't wanna walk in on him screwing his secretary... " He just scoffed..

" Yuki !! You do not talk about your dad like that !! " His mother shouted back

" I'll talk about him like that, what will you do? Huh? What can you do mom? " He aggressively fought back..

The argument escalated... he would have backed down normally... but he didn't he fought till the bitter end... his mom was gone... he was alone...

Nishikata felt his legs give away.. His body fell down to the floor... his eyes were tearing up... he felt absolute agony... he wanted to pull his own hair off, wanted to scratch his face off and just wanted the agony to end... he impulsively reached for the bottles of pills... he forced his body to get up... he needed to leave in sometime to meet with hamaguchi and his friends...

He quickly swallowed his pills... . Two of them... he settled on the sofa... and felt his body give away and his mind clearing... " Hope I wake up at time... "...

That was 12 hours ago...

Nishikata was still behind yosuke on the bike... when they reached home the taxi was still there and takagi climbed out... their eyes met, takagi looked away while nishikata looked straight through her as if she wasn't even there...

He walked away from the Takagi household and towards his house, while yosuke was lecturing her about not telling him anything...

" You absolute buffoon!! Why didn't you call me when you got a ride?! What if I didn't bump into nishikata? I would have just kept searching for you? My sister alone like that when she was injured, do you realize how worried we would have been?! How can you be so irresponsible!!!!!..... "

Takagi was silent... She knew that whenever her brother was angry , the best move was to simply let him roll until he's tired... she tried not to talk...

Meanwhile nishikata was standing in front of his door, he opened the door and stepped inside, switched on the lights... " Mom? "

There was no response... he walked into the kitchen... there was a singular letter stuck with the magnets on the fridge...

Yuki, I needed to leave urgently to see your father, I wanted to take you with me but you refused and when I was back you didn't even respond to my calls, I would have waited but this was important, I'll be back by tomorrow afternoon ... I asked The neighbors to prepare food for you, so don't worry about dinner and tomorrow's breakfast, I also have some money in your room just in case, take care and call me when you sweetie.

love , Mom

His face was filled with disbelief... "After all that... I still have to go there? " He didn't know how to face her ... especially after just leaving her but then he reminded himself.. Why is he being awkward?! Whether he feels awkward or not, it doesn't matter.. He'll have to go there anyway.. So why be so worried about it..

He told himself that over and over... he went to his room to collect his money... his room was a complete mess... he didn't remember Messing it up like this... but he just knew it was messed up... sometimes after taking pills... he doesn't remember a few things... his missing memories terrified him but he was trying to get used to it..

There was a small envelope on the table, it just had a message " Be sure to clean your room " And the money was inside.... He scoffed.. And chucked the money into his wallet... his wallet already had more money than what his mom left him... his mom wasn't too sure of Nishikata's saving abilities especially since he spent so much of his pocket money that he needed to get a part time job..

All of You is All of Me [Discontinued]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon