Chapter 5

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Nishikata stared in disbelief at the house in front of him, it was evening and he had just returned from his uncles house , " I was gone for two days..." he didn't know what to even think anymore, he looked to his right, the name "Nishikata" adored the name plate of his house, on his left however spelled Takagi , " she's gonna be right next door?!"

" hey nishikata" she said while smiling

"is this what you were hiding?"

" yup, I wanted to see the surprise on your face myself " she moved to his side " I guess we're neighbours now, just like at school"

Nishikata said while looking away" I'm a bit more concerned about something else..." " both of our rooms have a side window and front window, the front looks at the street but her room's side window can directly look into my room and I don't even have curtains so I can't even hide anything from her in my room.... "

Curious she asked him," what are you worried about ? "

" you know... the lack of privacy in my own room"

" what kinds of things do you do in your room?" she said with a grin " is something lewd?"

" OF COURSE NOT!!" he got defensive " I just..."

" I was just joking" she laughed and went back to her house

" damn you Takagi-san..."

" and that's where you're going wrong shrimp" Yosuke said while washing his bike with a hose

" ahh Yosuke-san... what do mean that's where I'm going wrong?"

" you wanted some privacy right? Well you gave a bad reaction when she asked you that question" he finished washing the final parts of his bike

" what was I supposed to say?"

" you could lie"

" lie?"

" you could have just agreed that you did lewd stuff in your room, I mean it's not rare for anyone your age..."

" but that's... She just knows when I'm lying"

" so she'll ask if you're lying in an attempt to tease you"

" Yeah..."

" just say it doesn't matter if it's a lie or not, that will confuse her "

" heh?"

" well even if it's the truth or a lie, it will do its job, she won't look into your room right?"

" but what if she calls me a perv?!"

" well since she will be confused whether you're lying or not, she can't call you a perv, also as a bonus, if she still looks into the window even after you warned her, you can call her a pervert instead "

" Yosuke-san is just a walking talking UNO reverse card isn't he?" " I can tease her instead.."

" you know your relationship is a bit too one-sided" "she has her boyfriend wrapped around her finger" " that being said, it won't last wrong, Rie would probably find a way around that"

" Then what do I do?"

" you expect me to tell you everything? Use your head yuki" he said while laughing

" in my defence she can literally read my mind " " I guess..." he scratched the back of his head as her brother disappeared inside the house

Nishikata climbed up the stairs to his room and then sat on his desk which faced the window... He Looked through the window and saw her

Takagi was just finishing her home work, and maybe even study a bit for the upcoming exams. She was focused on the notebook and didn't notice the boy staring at her at first " I mean... If I was to start the homework now I could ask her for help if needed without having the embarrassment of staying close to her" . Nishikata watched as she pulled some strands of her hair behind her ear, and then he started blushing when she suddenly looked up and noticed him staring

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