Chapter 11

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Takagi couldn't take the tension any longer, Nishikata's house was silent, and it wasn't like she could hear anything from their conversation anyway... after a few minutes of staring back and forth between the wall and the window she saw something... her dad going to nishikata's house and her brother coming back from there... with nishikata and yui...

She was about to go rush downstairs when she saw yosuke staring straight at her as if commanding her to stay there... it worked she was frozen in place

Yosuke looked back at nishikata who looked tired, his look wasn't of anger or disgust but rather sadness, pity and concern , they got inside the house immediately yosuke went to his sister

" Rie.. "

" What's going on?! "

" Calm down first... " He sat her down on her bed and he sat on the chair near her study table , "those pills... do you have any idea what they are?"

" No. "

" Well... I knew exactly what they were when I saw those pills... I'm just letting you know, those aren't drugs "

She breathed a sigh of relief... " Then what are they... "

" A sort of medicine if you will, medicine you can get addicted to, you know people can get addicted to painkillers? Yeah like that... "

" Medicine? He is sick? " , "he was really serious when he asked me how I had the pills... It must be something serious"

" He's not sick per say... but you know when you feel so much anxiety your stomach becomes upset? It's like a stronger version of the same effect"

" I know... anxiety attacks and panic is something I don't experience... "

He wanted to say something but brushed it off and continued , " I know those medicines... I know someone who used them.. Extremely effective but equally addictive.. It's safe to say that he's using these as some sort of coping mechanism... "

" He's.. Going through such a big problem?! "

" Did he tell you anything that was leading to this... anything at all..? "

"He was occasionally acting weird and distant... "

" Listen to me Rie... Don't ask him what the problem is... you don't understand... if he doesn't want to tell you... Forcing him would be very bad for him... understand? "

"Yes... "

" I talked to his parents along with mom, I know what his problem is and it's no joke, so I advise you if you care even the slightest bit for him you will promise me you won't pester him for information... Unless he decides ttktell you "

" I promise ... "

" Now you can go meet him, he'll be a bit weird but it'll be fine.. " , " I am just here babysitting him and his cousin while the parents can talk.. "

" Okay... " She slowly made her way downstairs... Yui was still playing her game and Nishikata was just staring at the wall, he didn't notice her at first but he looked away when he did. " Hey Nishikata... "

" Hey takag-san ... "

She didn't know what to say, she had many questions about him but she knew better than to question him... "So do you want something? "

" Huh? "

" We have some food and snacks in the kitchen, even a stockpile of the cookies grandma made... "

" Oh.. No thanks.. I'm good.. " He felt a pair of eyes staring at him, he looked to the little girl who was eyeing him as if she was trying to cast a spell on him to change his mind , " You know you what... we'll take some.. "

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