But when he felt her eyes on him again, he wanted to walk right over to her and take her back. Kiss her like he'd been wanting to for the past year. It made it harder for him to see her again. And then he felt that burning flame inside him, that one he held for her, turn into something stronger, something more malicious. But not towards her, towards the man she was with. It was her ex. She had mentioned him a few times before. Understood a bit how he hurt her and he had done his research. Learned a bit about who he was. But why was he back with her now? Back with her again? Something about that didn't sit right with him.




Kylo was mid-way through lunch with Iris and he was already ready for it to be over. He wasn't paying attention to anything she had to say. She just kept talking and talking, rambling about what they should both wear to their next event together. In other words, their next time to show off as a couple. To make the people who relied on this arrangement aware that it was all going as planned. He was tired of it. Tired of the charade. How she didn't see that was beyond him. He could tell she was falling in love with him more and more each day. But she loved differently than her. He knew she wasn't loving him for the right reasons. She didn't even try to really get to know him. Like she had.

"Then I think you should wear your Gucci and I'll wear my white Chanel." Iris spoke along and hearing the word Gucci pulled him from his thoughts.

"Hello? Are you even listening to me?" He was looking at her as she spoke but thoughts of her in that Gucci dressing room, swimming through his mind. He never would've thought their decision at that moment would've led them to where they are today. Led him to feel love. To being in love.

"Kylo?" It took her practically yelling his name for him to finally look at her and give her some of his attention.

"Sorry," he said plainly, not really much of an apology.

"Where's your head today baby?" Whether she was truly concerned or not, she wanted to know what was going through your head that distracted you from what she considered "important" matters.

"Oh no, I'm fine. I'll wear the Gucci suit." He gave her a small smile and gulped down the rest of his wine. They had been going to the same fancy restaurant ever since they got together. It was good publicity for the two of them to be seen out in public with one another. Kylo did anything that he was told. He didn't want to upset anyone. Didn't want anyone going after her again just to hurt him.

The two of them conversed some more as he waited for her to finish her wine. He was exhausted and just wanted to get home to the peace of his own space. He refused to let her stay over. He didn't even like it when she came into his home. It just didn't feel right.

And they hadn't even done anything in regards to intimacy since being together. She gave him a kiss here and there. Usually just a light peck, nothing too longing or deep. He didn't want that with her. He didn't feel that way about her. He didn't even have the urge. She had tried seducing him, wanting to experience what it was like to be with him like that but he always pushed away. And he had already had enough of her tonight and all her talk of designer brands and upcoming events.

So, when she finally took her last sip of wine, Kylo motioned for the check desperate for this dinner to end. They had driven separate, they usually did so he said goodbye, a light kiss to her cheek, one without any feeling, and practically sped home. He pulled into his usual parking space and just sat there for a few moments, enjoying the silence.

When he finally opened the door to his penthouse, he was certainly not expecting to see his mother sitting on his couch waiting for him. He immediately turned around as he walked in, just wanting to get out of there. Not even wanting to look at her, to give her the time of day.

Well-Bred  {Kylo Ren x Reader}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora