Death's abilities were far superior to any other demon besides myself and he often could destroy the mind of a demon if he pushed it past the breaking point. It was a unique ability although in the hands of a madman it caused me to be quite wary of him. "Ki-ya go wait outside I will join you shortly" Being the Queen of all Demons came with many responsibilities and handling the disobedient Death just happened to be the task I despised the most. "You are walking a thin line Death and Corazon will be arriving in due time to punish you accordingly"

"Cora-san? When is she due to arrive?" Before I could respond to the man's question, I heard a female's voice speak up from across the warehouse. "Lady Azazel my deepest apologizes for arriving late. What crimes has Death committed during this life?" The forced smile that found its way onto Death's face was laughable but I remained quiet as Asmodeus laid his arm around my waist. "C-Cora-san how w-was your voyage?"

"It was lovely, thank you for asking but alas I am rather disappointed with you Death. Allow me to punish him according, Lady Azazel. You may take your leave and please escort that kind soul back to his Soldier Nii-san" It would appear that Corazon had already met the demon waiting outside although did that also mean that the demon was already damaged before this life had begun? "Who would you be referring to Corazon?"

"You must not have made his acquaintance. I am referring to Massacre Soldier Kamazo he is staying in the south part of London. Killian will show you the way" Before I left the building, I asked Corazon one last question in hopes of finding out more of this mysterious demon Killian. "Do you know the reason that demon is acting much like a child? I have never seen such a thing"

"That is a question I cannot answer although it occurred in 1720 when Death was a King and Killian was merely his slave. By the time I arrived in his Kingdom the damage was already done. I will handle things from here Lady Azazel please take care during your trip back home" As much as I wished to remain here, I knew we only had so much daylight left, and traveling to the south side of the city would require time. "Very well Corazon. Asmo shall we take our leave?"

"Yes, my dearest Azazel"


Sometime Later...

As I stared at the large mansion that Killian had led us to, I had some doubts about whether or not this was where the demon lived. "This is your home Ki?" When the man nodded his head, I watched as he walked closer to the gate protecting the home from the outside world. "W-Would you like to j-join me for afternoon tea Az-san?" That was a kind offer although before I could deny the invitation another male had entered my line of sight. "Master Killian welcome home"

When the gates were unlocked the man had stepped into the yard but I made no attempt to join him. "Glasgow is Nii-san home?" I was planning to return back to my home although when Killian's voice spoke up again, I paused. "Are you coming to tea Az-san?" Taking a look at the sky I knew the sun was starting to set and if I stayed for tea then I would be forced to walk home through the dark. "Very well but I can only stay for one cup. Can Asmo join us as well?"

"Yes, he m-may join us" Without wasting any more time I followed behind Killian. He must have been the son of a wealthy noble to have such a home but that made me curious as to why Death did not stay here instead of that warehouse. "Master Killian allow me to take your coat" Perhaps this home was filled with only demons since no one seemed to be bothered by the use of Killian's name. "Excuse me, Ki. I'm curious of the name your Host takes on"

"His name is James. Glasgow where is Nii-san?" I would need to make sure this demon was protected since he could not manage that himself although thankfully, he had these demons already offering him protection. "Little brother welcome home. I was growing worried about your safety. Did Death harm you?" Upon hearing that male's voice Killian immediately perked up before he ran over to the man dressed in servant clothing. "Nii-san!"

"Will they be joining us for afternoon tea. I shall prepare more tea and scones if that is the case" When Killian confirmed we were indeed staying the male lead us all to the dining room. "I must thank you both for returning Killian home safely. That Death character is not fond of leaving my little brother alone. Although I must ask about his whereabouts"

"Death was being punished by Corazon when we left the warehouse district. With her appearance, I can assure you that Death will not be free to do as he likes any longer" When Kamazo began to speak I listened carefully although it was surprising that he had already met the demon. "Corazon's presence did not do much good during the last era as she fell ill shortly after arriving in the Kingdom. Was she in good health?"

"For all our sakes I hope she does not perish before Death. What kind of tea are you serving Kamazo?" There was not a single tea that I disliked but certain ones were better than others. "Earl Grey served with a delightful lemon meringue pie" My Asmo was hardly speaking today and I could not find the reason why. I would need to ask him later since that was what a good wife should do. "That sounds lovely. Where are James' parents?"

"They are both deceased, unfortunately. Would you like one or two sugar cubes Lady Azazel?" That was always disappointing to hear although we demons did not care much for the humans besides our Hosts losing a parent always seemed to cause me some slight pain. "I would like three if that is not too much trouble. Asmo does not care for sweet tea so please leave his plain"

"Here you are Lady Azazel. Please enjoy and if you require anything else, please do not hesitate to ask. Now I must secure the property I shall return shortly"

"Thank you Kamazo"


Later That Night...

"My dearest Azazel that was a lovely evening but that frown had been gracing your fair lips for some time now. Is there anything that you wish to share with me?" We would be arriving home within a few minutes although I stopped my pace when Asmodeus addressed me. "I do believe that is a question I must ask you Asmodeus. You have been far too quiet today"

"Fufufufu. You are quite observant my dear-"

'Bang' 'Bang' 'Bang'


To Be Continued...

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