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Down, down, down we went. The box moved with incredible speed. It moved so fast that it shook back and forth, making it impossible for us to stay on our feet. Newt and I both got knocked to our asses when the box hitched into high gear. I didn't understand the need for it to move so quickly. Maybe it was to disorient the passengers, keep them from thinking too much, confuse them to the point where all they wanted was to escape. I could easily see this ride as more of a torture device than a means of transportation. It rattled the senses with the loud sounds, the flashing lights, and the harsh movements.

I looked over at Newt and saw that he was pushed up against a corner while one hand gripped firmly on to the caged side of the box and the other gripped the bottom. His fingers were threaded through the holes of the floor and wall, clenching tight. He was looking up as we descended. I wondered if this was the first time he was out of the glade? I couldn't imagine what was going through his head.

For me, I was ecstatic and horrified. My whole body was flooded with adrenaline! I couldn't believe we were here! We were headed to uncharted territory! I was scared about what was going to be at the bottom of this thing, but also excited! My excitement didn't carry happiness though, just the rush of discovery, getting answers.

I looked down through the floor and saw that the bottom was approaching fast.

"Newt!-" I was about to warn him to brace himself but I wasn't fast enough.

The box came to an abrupt stop. It stopped so rough that it caused me to experience whiplash. My head was tossed back and I hit it on one of the walls.

"Fuck!" I cried out.

Newt looked over at me, but didn't budge from his spot, "Are you okay?"

I rubbed the back of my head, "I think so." I slowly got to my feet and looked around, "Okay, so we're here. Is there a door?"

Newt took a second to collect himself. He slowly released his vice grip and stood up, "Maybe there's another panel like up top."

We both started to move around the box, looking for anything that stood out.

"I don't see anything." I said.

"Me either." Newt said.

Just then, there was this suctioning sound that came from behind us. We both spun around and saw a sliver of light peaking through the box. Then another sound, a couple of high pitched beeps before the sliver of light got wider and a gush of air pushed through it.

"Cargo transport 12 override complete." A woman's voice echoed through the tunnel.

Me and Newt looked around to try and find the source, but we quickly found interest elsewhere. What we thought was a wall actually was two sliding doors. A bright white light filled the box as the doors opened and the caged wall of the box did the same. We were now staring down a long hallway.

Newt and I exchanged glances for a second before exiting the box.

"What is this place?" I asked.

"Your guess is as good as mine." Newt said.

The hall had pristine white walls and tiled floor. The ceiling had rectangular metal boxes that contained what I assumed to be tube lights. They were harsh on the eyes, but lit up everything. There was not an inch of darkness which was the complete opposite of the box's tunnel.

"I'm gonna be honest," Newt said, "I was expecting to see like a big room full of food and crates and stuff. Not an empty hallway."

"I was expecting to see people. At least one person." I said.

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