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       "What do you plan on doing then?" Alby asked.

      "I don't know, but I'm not sleeping with a bunch of boys." I said, my arms folded over my chest.

      Alby was annoyed, which was fair, but also not. Sure, I was making this difficult for him by not wanting to sleep in the homestead with everyone else. But could he blame me? He expected me to be the most vulnerable I could possibly be around 30 some boys?! Get out of town. I needed to protect myself and I'm sure he didn't understand why. Being the only girl around this many teenage boys was fucked up. I barely trusted the few I had gotten to know and that was very few. I could count on one hand the boys I "knew".

      "You have to sleep somewhere." Alby said sounding like a parent who was done dealing with their misbehaving child. "Don't expect me to just let you wander off and do your own thing either. You have to tell me where you're going."

      "Why?! I know you're in charge, but you're not my mother. But alright, let me fill you in on why I don't want to tell you where I'll be sleeping." I took a couple steps back from him, held my arms out, then spun around, "If you haven't noticed, I'm a girl. The only girl that any of you horny teenagers have ever seen. I can guarantee not all of you are gay. Hell! Maybe none of you are and that would really fuck me over."

      "No one's going to do anything to you." Alby tried reassuring me.

      That just irritated me more, "Can you give me a 100% solid promise that no one will hurt me?"

      Alby opened his mouth but paused and shut it. He looked down at the grown and stayed silent for a bit longer. His brows knit close together as he focused on nothing.

      "Yeah, that's what I thought. I'll sleep by myself and I don't need to tell you where." Then I turned and marched off.

      When I was far enough away, I let out the heaviest sigh. I thought for sure Alby was going to make me sleep with everyone else. If he had it would have ruined my plans with Thomas. There would have been no way I would have been able to sneak out of that rickety old house and not wake someone up. Plus, I meant what I said. I didn't trust those boys. I barely trust Thomas or Newt. It didn't even matter how cute Newt was...I...shit. Did I just think that? WHATEVER!

      I decided I would hide out in the deadheads. The names for these places were so weird, but at least I felt included now after getting the tour. Thomas wasn't able to do it like Alby had said he would since he was the greenie before me. I ended up getting it from Chuck which was actually pretty enjoyable. Chuck was nice and cute. He gave off this little brother vibe. I felt like I needed to protect him even though he could probably handle himself. Maybe.

      I wandered around for a bit until I came to a pretty big tree. I felt like that would be a good place for me to sit and wait safely for Thomas to join me. It wasn't too rough getting up into it. I did get a cut on my right calf since I was wearing shorts. Why was I wearing shorts? I wasn't sure. I was still wearing the clothes that I woke up in when I was in the maze. Jean shorts and a brown t-shirt. They were filthy and so was I. Alby told me I could wash up and someone would keep watch for me, but how would I be sure that the guy keeping watch wouldn't try to sneak a peak at me? Nah. No thanks. I'd rather smell like pig shit.

      Once I was up in the tree and settled on a comfortable branch, I leaned back against the base and closed my eyes. I felt balanced enough to relax and not fall off. I'd just catch a couple Z's before-

      "Hello?" Thomas's voice said a few feet away.

      I sighed, "Hey, Thomas. I'm up here." I climbed back down to meet him.

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