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"Maybe I should just sleep outside." I said nervously. I definitely felt like I made a mistake by telling Newt I'd be okay with sleeping inside the homestead. I should have never looked into his damn gorgeous eyes. What was I thinking?! UGH! I wasn't! We shared a moment that lasted 0.5 seconds and I let it get the better of me.

I thought that I would be okay with sleeping inside with Newt keeping watch, but now that I was here, now that I was standing in the doorway of Newt's room, I just couldn't. I still didn't trust these boys. It didn't matter how cute some of them may be! They were still strangers who could easily overpower me if I let my guard down and I count sleeping in a house full of boys 'putting my guard down'.

Newt leaned on the door frame and crossed his arms over his chest, "Listen, greenie. I promise, I swear on my life I won't let anyone through this door. Besides, no one knows you're in here. They think you're off somewhere in the Glade. Yeah?"

"Newt, that doesn't change-"

"Do you really want to sleep out there with the beetle blades?"

I frowned, "The what?"

"The beetle blades. I'm surprised you haven't noticed them yet. They're little robotic bugs that the creator's use to watch our every move."

My eyes widened, "Our every m-Why would they do that?"

"Why do the creator's do anything?" He then put his hand on my back again and pushed me into his room, "Go to sleep, greenie. You're gonna need your rest. Gally doesn't like sleepy slackers on his team." he raised a single brow with a grin then closed the door behind him.

I angrily tensed up at the mention of Gally. He was so infuriating, but at least he wasn't too much of a jackass when we worked. I only worked with him one day so things could change. I wouldn't put it passed the guy to work me like a mule until I cracked. But that was a problem for another day. Right now, I had to worry about sleeping...sleeping in a house full of boys. Newt claimed he was going to protect me while I slept, make sure no one came in the room, but how would he do that if he was sleeping too? Just the thought of someone creeping in the room and watching me sleep or even touching me was enough to make me go into panic mode.

I noticed that there was a singular window in the room that opened up to the outside world. Maybe if I climbed out through it I could go hide in the deadheads. Who cares if there's weird robotic bugs watching me! I'd rather have a peeping night time buddy than a predator with me.

I went over to the window and looked out through it. Since it had no glass I was able to lean out and look down. Unfortunately, I was on the second floor, so climbing out wasn't an option especially since there was nothing to hold onto for the climb.

"Damn it." I grumbled.

My only other option was to sneak out through the way I came. Maybe Newt had fallen asleep by now and I could sneak passed him.

I crept over to the door, carefully trying not to make any of the floor boards creak as I made my way across them. I tried to make myself as light as possible by imagining that I weighed the same as a feather. Don't ask me why I did this, I wasn't really thinking straight. Basically, if I thought I was lighter then I was lighter. No, it doesn't make sense.

I reached out, grabbed the door knob, slowly turned it, and pulled. The door made a god awful creaking sound as I pulled it open which I was certain woke up someone if not Newt. I internally cringed at myself for being this dumb. Of course this place would creak from any kind of movement. It was a dilapidated house with way too much weight in it. I was surprised the thing hadn't collapsed yet.

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