Chapter 8- Call in the Cavalry

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The group climbed out of the sewers grates, scanning the area for any sign of suspicious activity. Leo, ever the protective turtle stood firmly in front of his family, katanas unsheathed and ready for a fight. Well, less of a fight, more of a search for any information. The rain certainly didn't help, since visual clues ought to have washed away.

"It's hard to believe it's been one whole night." Mikey said with a yawn. "It feels like we've been looking forever. Like an entire week!" Despite the humor in his voice, he still noticeably refused to look at Leo and instead opted to say this only to April and Raph.

"Stay alert. Keep an eye out for any clues." Leo ordered. "But stick to the shadows." He added, though that part was obvious.

April, Mikey and Raph nodded as they began their search. The ever wise cracking Raphael had no jokes or jeers planned out for his oldest brother like he usually did. They were all too stressed knowing Donnie and Casey were missing. Possibly hurt.

Leo was examining the sidewalk, when he felt a bump against his shoulder. He turned around sharply, facing the acid green eyes of his younger brother glaring at him.

"Have you found anything?"

Raph shook his head, silent.

"Keep looking then. We don't have time to waste." They continued to search, but every so often Raph would huff in annoyance. Leo frowned. "If you've got something to say: say it."

"What exactly did you see in Nova?"

"Raph, not now." He bit back a growl. "We don't have time." He repeated the same mantra so many times, it might as well be his catchphrase.

"Clearly you did, since you were off lyin' and sticking your tongue down a dangerous freak's throat. Now she's gone and nabbed our friend and our brother. How does that make you feel, knowing this was all your fault? It would have been prevented but you're too much of a moron to realize that not everyone wants to be redeemed just because they turn you on!"

"Stop it. You're not helping." He clenched his jaw, forcing a series of retorts back like it was bile. He wouldn't stoop to Raphael's taunts. He was older, wiser and more mature than him. But wiping that arrogant, haughty smirk from his brother's face would be so satisfying.

"You said I should say something, so I said it!" Raph spat. "Mikey's right, you know for once. I can't stay quiet when you lead him to her. She took our brother. He could be-"

"He isn't."

"How can you be so sure?" He asked, blood boiling as he watched Leonardo's expression stay stoic. Somehow the lack of emotion only made him angrier. "How can you be so confident he's even alive? How can you stand there, without a care in the world when our brother is missing?"

What he hadn't expected was the devastated expression on Leonardo's face and the haunting words that followed.

"I'm not."


He sighed, calming thoughts entering his mind. "I'm not sure he's safe. But stressing over the what ifs isn't going to save them any faster. You can stay mad at me, but it won't do them any good."

"You- do you even care?"

"Of course I care!" He snapped harshly. "I'm not going to waste any more time arguing with you. We have to save them."

"Obviously. But you have a pattern with making an ass out of yourself over a pretty face. And we can't make any more sacrifices."

Leo's jaw tightened, ready to retort.

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