Chapter 29 : Prelude to Chaos

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Prelude to Chaos

Third Person P.O.V.

Sonic's mind

The sunny blue skies world painted with vermilion. Dark clouds loomed over, thunderous lightning boomed in the sky. The wind was raging, daring to draw blood.

Some of Sonic's super forms knew of this predicament they're in. It had happened once. This world they're living in was representation of how his mind was. The fact that the world the way they are, means Sonic had lost himself or rather let himself lose control.

They couldn't really blame him because after all, all of them are a part of him. They knew first hand how he felt deep inside. The scorching burn on their chest wrenched endlessly. Beneath all that underlying the excruciating pain, only Dark could understand it. And he couldn't bear it the second time. One of the perks being the first form, he is that much closer to blue blur than Super ever was. 

Sonic didn't really realise it as everything he had done was for his sake. Whether what he did was bad or not, he would always protect him. Always be there for him no matter how grim the situation. And now, he had to save him from the void that was slowly eating him inside. The void that had once engulfed the blue hero when he was overcome with despair. Now it had returned, it wanted to forever engulf him. Forever caged inside, unable to think properly. To become that thing. An embodiment of chaos. 

He was glad he had stopped him in time than any later when it had happened the first time. Any longer, he won't even be who he is now.

On the edge of the cliff, the dark super form eyed the 'ocean' as his fists clenched tightly, threatening to draw blood as his quills turned upwards, blowing calmly. His sickly emerald eyes gleamed dangerously. The splitting image, Super walked up to him, touched his shoulder. His aura radiates warmth and sense of security, trying to calm the other.

Without giving a glance back, Dark said gravely, "You can't come with me, Super. You know what that 'ocean' will do to you. It'll consume anything, keeping its prisoners caged. You, being the light, it will instantly consume you. I know of it first hand. After all, I was almost consumed by it." His eyes stared under with contempt.

Super sadly smiled as his grip on Dark's shoulder tightened. "I know, Dark. But if all of us didn't help you back up right then, who knows how Sonic would have felt. Who knows what would have happened to him.To you."

Dark's expression turned grim. "I know. But I can't risk you going in this suicide mission. He can't lose you. I-" Dark was cut off before he could continue.

"Well then, now might be the time for me to atone for the misery I caused him." The psychotic swirled red eyes super form, Fleetway carefreely answered, maniacal grin craved in.

Dark turned around, making eye contact, frowning. Before he could say anything, Fleetway cut him off, "Let me at least do something for him, Dark. I can't always live my life tormenting him all day long. Being caged inside this body of his, changed you. He needs us. It's the least I could do."

His brow furrowed upon the crazed super form.

"You can't." His only reply before turning around and gazed into the ocean.

Fleetway sighed as he walked up to him, standing beside him, on the opposite side where Super was listening.

"You're really stubborn, you know that." He too gazed into the seemingly innocent ocean. 

Dark snorted. "We all know where I got that trait from."

"That's why, I'm going with you. Whether you like it or not, it's not your decision to decide what I'll do. All of us at the end of the day, are stubborn hogs."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2021 ⏰

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