
The next morning, Taehyung woke up to an empty bed. He remembered sleeping with two huge humans though and so he set off his bed in search of them. He didn't forget to complete his morning routine though. He even made his bed before he went on his look out.

And that's when he heard voices from the living room. Taehyung went and say at the single couch, seeing the triple seat were occupied by Jeungguk' and Beomgyu who were deep in conversation.

The two in conversation hadn't even noticed the arrival of the one they were talking about.

"He is my papa!" Taehyung heard Beomgyu say. He chuckled under his breath to make sure they wouldn't know his presence.


This brat! Does he really think I will give up like that? No chance!!

"So? He is your papa. But he is MY husband!" I said, equally glaring at him. I wasn't giving up this fight for sure.

"So? We both know that I am more important to him. At least I am mature!" does he really think he is more mature than me?

"oh please! Get out of your imagination. It seems to be a fantasy land where everything is false. I manage an entire company, of course I am mature. More than you!"

Beomgyu laughed at that and this boiled my blood more. "It seems your imagination is false too. You are the one who started whining yesterday night because MY papa paid more attention to me. You are a baby!" beomgyu fired back at me.

Well two can play this game. I smirked at him.

"At least I am HIS baby. You are just a giant grizzly bear to him! Don't you hear him call you bear? You know what he calls me? Baby bunny. How cute is that. And how scary are bears!" I did my little victory dance as I saw his face fall a little.

"Don't celebrate too early. I am pretty sure Joon uncle also calls My Papa as a baby bear. So are you saying he is scary? I am so gonna tell papa about this." He said as he got off the couch.

Shit. Abort mission. I thought as I held him back and smiled in guilt.

"please don't." I told him as he smiled in victory and sat back. "that's what I thought." He said as he pulled his tongue out on me.


But then his guilty face was turning back to a smile.

What? I wondered as I looked at him intently. "Even if he was called a bear, he was called a baby bear! And baby bears are cute. Not like you! Scary!" he fired again.

Is he for real? I wondered as I looked at him wide-eyed. I only waved my hand in front of him as I said, "Whatever. You and I both know he loves me more. Cause he is MY papa."

"No way he loves a small kid, who can barely wake up on their own, more than his own husband. Who, also might I add, he had loved for thirteen years. You gotta stop living in false hopes kid." He said.

"is this what the bickering was about till now?" a voice came from behind us. In fright, I jumped onto Jeungguk. "DAD WE ARE UNDER ATTACK!" I yelled at the same time as I held onto him for dear life. "Its okay lil bear. Your dad will protect you." He also said as he held me tighter.

"You guys are too dramatic for your own good." We heard the voice again. Wait, but the voice is too familiar. The deep and honey dripping voice...

"PAPA" "TAE" we both yelled at the same time as we looked at him. He chuckled as he nodded. And at that minute, we were both on top of him and smothered him for having scared us.

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