twenty two - Двадцать два

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Walker took off running in a random direction trying to flee the scene. Bucky and Sam took off following him when I saw the curly red hair in the crowd, running off.

I turned around running in the opposite direction.

"Lina what are you doing?" Sam asked in the earpiece as I noticed Karli picking up speed.

"I'm following Karli, send me your location once you find Walker," I demanded over the earpiece as I saw her turn down an alley. I followed her and turned into the alley and noticed her standing at the end of it. I stopped and waited for her next move.

Her eyes were red and puffy as she met my gaze. I could see the sadness for the loss of one of her people as we stood facing each other, tears streaming down her cheeks. Our chests rising and falling at the same pace as we breathed.

"That's your Captain America...the one who murdered my friend for what I did?" Her words came out loud but pitchy as her voice cracked, her arm swung in the air pointing to the square where Walker murdered that man.

"Karli, you know we aren't working with him. Sam is running after him right now," I said lifting my hands up and pointing to the world outside the alleyway.

"And then what..." she sniffled, her bottom lip quivering as she frowned.

"Lina we need you now!" Sam cried over the earpiece. I debated on staying with Karli, reasoning with her but my friends were in trouble.

"Go Karli, be smart," was all I said before turning back to the world and leaving Karli in the alleyway. Sam was yelling the location in my ear as I sprinted as I hard as I could to him.

I turned corners and down a road that lead me to an old machine shop it seemed. I could hear the grunting and the fighting from inside. As soon as I ran in, I saw Bucky's metal arm collide with the shield making a loud screeching sound. The two were interlocked for a moment as Sam was pulling on the shield trying to take it off Walker. I gathered my moment and jumped with my feet together kicking Walker, his shoulder making a popping sound as the shield fell.

Walker took up the shield as he stood back up and tried to fight. His shoulder was too weak, making him drop his shield. Our eyes met and I moved trying to grab the shield. Walker was quicker than me and picked up and grabbed it, he threw his arm back, the momentum of his strike and the shield threw me into a pillar, my back started to burn with pain as I fell to the ground, a yell escaping me. Walker lost the shield somehow and Sam picked up.

"It's mine," Walker repeated over and over like a mad man. I tried to get back up but my ribs were in to much pain.

"It's over John" Sam said as Walker stood there, he went to run at Sam but Bucky came from behind picking Walker up. Bucky ran full speed at Sam and the shield. The three collided a loud pop coming from Walker's body, either a rib or some other bone.  The three fell back onto the ground, Walker was unconscious.

I took a deep breath gathering my strength, and holding my side as I slowly walked over to the three of them.

Buck, Sam and I looked terrible. Bucky's nose was beaten and bloody. Sam had all kinds of cuts and blood on him. My hair was all kinds of tangled, my right eye I could tell was going to become a black eye soon, and my cheek was bleeding all on top of the pain in my ribs.

Bucky stood up taking the shield in his arm. He looked patriotic and I could tell Bucky was proud that he got the shield back.

"Buck.." I breathed out stepping closer to him.
Bucky looked up at me finally, his eyes softening as soon as he saw me almost folded over in pain. He threw the shield down beside Sam before walking over to me, he lifted my arm up and around his shoulder, while looking at me. I could see the large cut on his nose, I couldn't tell if it was broken.

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