twenty three - Двадцать три

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The next morning I woke up with Bucky cuddled up underneath my arm as he held my body close. His head laid on my chest. He looked so peaceful as the light from the one window in the motel room poured over his scruffy chin. I kissed the top of his head before closing my eyes leaning my head against the headboard.

Bucky said he loved me last night...

I didn't know if it was a trauma bond or something that had been growing between us for awhile now, or maybe it was just the heat of fighting.

We were super soldiers who were bred for fighting. I was bred to fight the bad guys, but Bucky was once fighting for the bad guys. This stupid little mission that had started I'm not even sure how long ago, felt like forever ago as I pondered it. I had found a little family with Sam and Bucky and I had never felt that before.

I had never felt love before...

A groan came from Bucky as he stretched his arms out around me before coming back to squeeze me tight. I laced my fingers through his hair before Bucky turned his head, resting it on my shoulder as he looked up at me.

He had a look in his eye that I had seen several times before, but only now did I realize that he was looking at me with love in his eyes.

"Good morning," I smiled down at him. Buck returned the smile, he gave me a short kiss on the cheek before sitting up in the bed.

"Good morning," he smiled running his hands over his face before pushing himself off the bed and walking towards his jacket and shirt.

"Who was on the phone last night?" I asked throwing the covers off of me and grabbing my shirt from the floor, the memory of our steamy make out session playing in my head. A smirk found its way to my face as I thought of the memory.

"Sam..." he paused, "And then I called Ayo."

I pulled my shirt on and turned to look at Bucky a look of confusion replacing the smirk I had.


"Sam wanted to meet, and I realized the Dora Milaje are the ones who are working to find Zemo as we speak," Bucky explained as he sat opposite me on the bed, slipping on his boots. All I could do was nod, basically I would be following Bucky around. The two of us hurried to get ready and Bucky explained that we would be going to the GRC refugee camp where Donya Madani's funeral was held.

We grabbed our stuff which wasn't much, before heading out of the motel. Bucky paid and thanked the hotel manager before we were on our way.

As we walked down the cobblestone road, Bucky held his gloved hand out and intertwined his fingers with mine. I smiled up at Buck and he leaned over kissing the top of my head as we walked.

"How does Ayo already know where he is?" I asked as we walked.

"The Dora always know," Bucky said letting go of my hand and wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

We finally made it to the location where Sam was. We walked in and I saw Sam propped up against a table.

"Thanks for ditching me," Sam scoffed before walking over to me. I let go of Buck putting my arms out.

"You're not the one who broke Zemo out of jail," I whispered as Sam and I hugged. He gave me an annoyed look as he pulled away. He paused when he saw the bruise forming around my eye.

"Damn Lina, that thing is busted," he said reaching out to grab my face but I slapped his hand away. Bucky stood behind us, a serious look on his face.

"So what now?" Sam asked as Buck took a step closer the three of us standing together.

"Karli's gone," I said placing my hands on my hips.

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