Luke is more of a family man. His duty as a future leader makes him seem colder to approach, but to his family and trusted confidantes, he is warm as the sun and as deviant as a five-year-old boy.

After their session was over, I decided to join them.

"Good morning, Father." I greet him.

"Morning, Josette," he replies.

Xavier Vanderbilt, my father, is the current Alpha of the Silver Crescent Moon Pack and the former Alpha of the Silver Moon Pack. He is a man of few words, believes in making more allies than enemies, yet remains cautious. His family and Pack always come first. He will sacrifice his life for them without hesitation.

I have a great deal of admiration for the way my father conducts himself, something I hope and intend to stand by in the years ahead.

"Are you ready, Josie?  Because I am going to bring you down on your knees." Luke stated this while cracking his knuckles.

Luke and I have had combat training sessions daily for the past two years under our father's orders.

As the Alpha's children, it is a must to know how to defend ourselves and fight back when the situation calls. There are specific procedures that must be adhered to in this post.

"If I had a dime for every time I heard that, I'd be rich by now," I smirked, trying to provoke him.

Luke rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out at me mockingly.

In the last two years, I've come to understand that my brother is still susceptible to being provoked despite his ability to be crafty.

Even though his movements before may seem to indicate that he is unbothered, the slightest flinch in his brow, the flexing of his hand—actions that may go unnoticed by most—these little moments are what give away his emotions.

Ego is such a vile thing.

Sometimes, it propels you to great heights, and other times, it destroys you to such an extent that all that's left inside you is a blazing inferno that consumes you from the inside out. But at times, that inferno is what you need to bring out a man's vulnerability.

I've gained the upper hand by making a remark that may have appeared to be a ridiculous jest. But it was the spark that lit a fire inside Luke that would eventually fill his head with a thick, black cloud of smoke.

"Let us start. The instructions are simple: you will fight hand-to-hand combat with each other until I tell you to change into your wolves. The fight will go on until one of you gives up. Am I clear?" Our father questions.

"Crystal," Luke and I reply simultaneously.

"On the count of three," Father stated.





I gave some time for the ebony smoke to cloud his judgement and waited for him to strike first.

We spent some time circling one another. As Luke's eyes scoured the area, I could almost see the wheels turning in the back of his head as he tried to determine an optimal point he could take advantage of.

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