One can dream

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Raphael left for yet another boring walk. Only he traversed the subway labyrinth. Thus, I followed him on those erratic turns through the confusing maze of back streets.

And he stopped, frowning.

"Don't know where we are?"

"Nope. I'd be happier. This is the end. We found our location." He spread hands as if trying to cover the whole open boulevard.

"Did you want to get lost?" I had better things to do. Most likely.

"Can anyone lose their way at this age? I wanted to explore. Find unknown places."

"Take a trip."

"If only mom could care for herself... But the angel is healing her! I hope. You?" He flashed his enthralling smile.


"You hid your reason. Boredom? You prefer sleeping all day to living?"

I puffed up. "No. I have a greater aim - leaving the bland people."

He laughed.

Legend of the Modern Ageحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن