Die of Boredom

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"No more deals?"

"He said so," I replied, my eyes closed. She should surrender instantly so that I could get the valuable information.

The girl leaned back on the sofa, her head facing the dilapidated ceiling.

"What would you have wished?" My sworn enemy tried to force a small talk. Nobody admitted their deepest secrets so easily!

"Not sure." She huffed a blow of dusty air. "Cash, maybe? I wanted to leave, nothing else."

"Then try." I stood corrected.

Raphael wrenched my hand hastily. "What? You are advising her to throw her soul away without a reason!"

"Life has bored her. That's enough."

"Hey," she stopped us. "He doesn't buy souls, right? I don't want to anger an almighty being."

He smiled, sighing. Brown locks fell over his bowed face.

"We'll be paid today."

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