From the Kindness of One's Heart

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"How did you take me here?"

The boys walked by a small, tended rose garden. The old neighborhood opened its doors for two people.

"You needed time in silence after work."

"For once you make sense."

"Do you loathe me that much? I should have stayed for cookies. You could flee alone."

"I did not run."


"You owe me the trip back to the office. Let's take off."

"We're going there after I learn why we left."

"The lousy job ended. I hated the hag's dull stare."

"Hurt by little kindness?"

"Who is kind for no plausible reason?"

"Ah, there's your problem!" Raphael grinned.

"I have no problems!"

Legend of the Modern AgeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora