Chapter 2

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Karas POV

The next Morning I was woken up by a strong knock on my door, I got up easily to make sure not to wake Lena

I open the door and Alex walks in with doughnuts

"Alex it's 6:30 what are you doing here?" I ask as she starts to make coffee,

"I met someone yesterday" she says frantically, ever since her and Maggie broke up she hasn't really been looking for anything

"Really who?" I ask intrigued

"Her name is Sam and she just moved here but she has a 12 year old daughter" Alex says

"What's wrong with that?" I ask

"What if I get attached and she leaves? I don't know Kara" she sighs and Lena comes out of my room

"Hey, sorry to run I have to get to the office, getting a new partner today" she says

"Okay, good luck" I smile and she walks out and I forgot Alex was sitting there

"Lena Luthor spent the night!?" She chuckles

"Yes, we had a movie night" I smile

"Did you, you know?" She ask me And I felt my face get red

"Oh my god you did!" She says covering her mouth

"What!? Alex no! We just went to sleep" I defend myself

"Sure sure" Alex says

"Alex! I'm serious" I say and she smiles

"You like her though" she says, I mean I do like her, I don't think she likes me back though

"Okay okay little sis, I got to go" she says and leaves me alone to get dressed to go to work,

Josephines POV

A new day, another loss. School was closed today which means no food, so I haven't eaten  since yesterday at school, we were all upstairs and I was doing the younger girls hair

"Girls! Get down here" Miss Nancy yells and the younger girls look at me with worried eyes

"It's okay, come on" I say and we all go downstairs and there are two people standing there, a man and women. We have been through this so many times, people come wanting to adopt and they eventually bring us back

"Girls meet the Wilson's" Miss Nancy replies and they smiles

They took a particular interest in Maya, I'm going to lose my sister all over again, by time they were done they chose Maya and were filling out papers with Miss Nancy

"I don't want to leave you" Maya says hugging me

"I know, but you're going to go with those nice people and have a normal life, " I say and kiss her head walking back down the steps with her

"Jo" she says hugging me and Miss Nancy looks annoyed

"Hey, I love you and you are going to have so much fun with the Wilson's, be good for them okay?" I tell her and she nods, walking away and taking the women's hand, once she is gone I walk upstairs and climb out the window. I needed to get away from here,

I walked down to Noonans, it's a little restaurant in town, I come frequently and just sit outside and just great full  to be anywhere away from the orphanage,

This time I was upset about Maya and wasn't watching where I was going until I ran  into someone

"Oh my god, I-I'm so so sorry" I say and the tears I was holding in start falling, between what happened with Maya and now this

"Hey, It's okay, I'm okay it was an accident, are you okay?" She ask me, she was young in her twenties, had blonde hair and blue eyes

"Yea I'm okay, I'm sorry for bumping into you" I say wiping my eyes in hope she wouldn't see but I'm sure she did

"It's all good" she smiles

"I was just about to have lunch with a friend, would you like to join?" She ask me

"Oh no I couldn't do that," I says

"Please I insist"'she replies, I couldn't do that plus I don't have any money

"It's okay, I already ate" I tell her, lying but she didn't know that

"Okay, I won't force you, it was nice to meet you?" She says

"Jo, I'm Jo" I say and shake her hand

"I'm Kara" she smiles and I say goodbye and walk away down by the park to sit until it got dark and I had to go back to the orphanage

Karas POV

After running into that girl she seemed really nervous. And when I asked if she wanted lunch she said no but it looked like she hadn't eaten in days,

I walked inside Noonans and Lena was already sitting at the table

"Hey, is everything okay?" She ask and I nod


"Actually, I have an idea" I say

We got food and lunch for Jo and we walked to the park, I seen her come this way,

I found her on a bench and Lena and I sat on either side of her and she jumped

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you" I say

"It's okay" she says

"I brought you something" I say and hand her the lunch

"I can't take this, I don't have any money" she says,

"I don't want any money, I just want you to eat" I say and she looks at me hesitantly then over to Lena

"You're Lena Luthor!" She smiles

"I am" Lena chuckles

"I'm a huge fan, I was reading your interview in the paper the other day and I was intrigued by the science behind it, it's all Science and as soon as the old white men understand that the faster things will be able to get done, they always underestimate a women in power, you are my idol" Jo says and Lena is smiling at her

"I'm sorry, I rant when I'm nervous" she says and her face turns red

"That's okay, I'm glad to know someone likes my work" Lena replies and she smiles

"Now are you going to eat?" I say

"You sure?" She ask me

"Of course" I say and we all eat our lunches

"So where do you live?" Lena ask her

"Um just over 3 streets" she says

"And your parents?" I ask

"Business trip" she explains

"How old are you" I ask

"I'm 14" she says and I nod

"Interesting age" Lena says

"What grade are you in?"  I ask her

"I'm in 9th, supposed to be 8th since I just turned 14 but I was advanced enough in science and math they bumped me up" she explains

"That's really cool" I say and she smiles,  we all finish our lunch and I had to get back to catco

"Jo do you want a ride home?" Lena ask

"No thanks. I'm going to stay here a little longer, thank you both so much for lunch" she sayS

"You're welcome" I say and we say our goodbyes and leave Jo in the park,

"She's a sweet girl" I say

"Yea she is, and she is a fan" Lena smiles

"You're such a dork" I chuckle

"Your a bigger dork" she says and gives me a hug as I go to catco and she goes to L-Corp

Till next time ❤️

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