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Shout out to @zouisissobeatfuil for being the first person to comment on this story! Thank you, I really appreciated it!


6 years later

Louis' Pov:

I went downstairs after waking up from my perfect sleep with only my sweats. I walked into the kitchen to see the most beautiful sight ever. Harry standing in the middle of the kitchen with only pants and no shirt and was holding our little 5 months old daughter, rocking her back and fourth.

Yes we got a our lovely daughter only five months ago. And Harry and I are married! We are now grown men's. I am 24 and my little kitten over there is 22. It has been a year and a half since we got married and I couldn't be any happier.

We also figured that Harry could actually get pregnant, which is really rare in this world. Only 2% of men's can get pregnant. We are so lucky that Harry could get pregnant. Now we can have as many babies as we want.

I walked behind him and wrapped my arms gently around Harry and my baby daughter, Darcy. Harry smiled as Darcy's eyes light up when she saw me and made grabbing hands for me. Harry and I both laugh as I took her from Harry.

"Hey there, baby girl" I patted her back lightly and bouncing her. Her legs and arm were going everywhere.

"I was trying to get her to sleep but now look at her, she is so excited to see you. She is not gonna sleep now." Harry put his hand on his hips to look like he is mad. I smiled fondly at him. He so cute when he is mad. I grabbed his hand

"Don't worry, I will make it up to you," I winked at him as he blushed. He grabbed the milk bottle that he made before I arrived and passed it to me. I took it and went to the living room with Darcy. I sat on the couch and started to feed her. She was looking at me with her big blue eyes that matched mine. I made a funny face while she giggled.

"Bear! she is gonna choke, if you keep making her laugh" Harry came in and sat beside me. He layed his head on my shoulder. I kissed his forehead and we both looked at our baby girl. She was looking back at us with curiosity while drinking her milk.

I have a job as a football coach. Harry is working as a teacher but had to quit since he was pregnant. He will go back to teaching after Darcy is a year old. He doesn't want to put Darcy in daycare, which I agreed to.

I love my life. I can't be any happier. I am the happiest man on earth. I have my little girl I can teach and play with. I have my lovely husband to share my secrets to. And to admire them and their

Beautiful smile


That was a short Epilogue but thank you to all of those who read my story. You guys are the best. Thank you! And they next one is really important note. Pls read it. Thanks! xoxo

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