57. Wolfhounds

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But we're running out of time
Oh, all the echoes in my mind cry
There's blood on your lies
The sky's open wide
There is nowhere for you to hide
The hunter's moon is shining
I'm running with the wolves tonight

This couldn't go on for long because Tahera's upper body strength wouldn't allow it. The inside of the warehouse had nothing but the dust on the floor. She couldn't find any high surface to use as leverage.

Even with the fastest speed, Taahir would need ten to fifteen minutes to get there. She couldn't hold out for that long...

The two hungry wolfhounds beneath her had entered a feral stage. Several times, they narrowly missed her ankles.

In their eyes, Tahera was like a piece of delicious meat that was taunting them. She knew if she was bitten and dragged down, that would probably be the end of her.

She might know some self-defense skills but she doubted she could take down two large feral dogs. Tahera gritted her teeth and punched heavily on the glass window. It shattered with a resounding clang.

The sudden loud noise spooked the two dogs that they took several involuntarily steps back. She made use of the opportunity to leap down with a shard of glass in her hand. The moment she landed, the two wolfhounds charged at her.

She didn't evade. As one of the dogs' jaws prepared to clamp down on her neck, she stabbed the glass shard into its eye!

The dog fell to the floor with a deathly wail. It then rolled around the floor crazily. Tahera didn't have time to deal with the other wolfhound which successfully chomped down on her calf!

Tahera raised her other leg and kicked violently at the wolfhound. The dog was eventually sent flying but not before tearing out a piece of her lower calf. Almost immediately, her dress were dyed a bloody red.

However, adrenaline had numbed her pain receptors. She picked up another glass shard from the floor and pounced on the injured wolfhound. The glass shard was aimed at its other eye...

Tahera exerted Herculean force into her jab to make sure she hit skull so much so that the shard itself had pierced into the ball of her palm. When she finally pulled back, the dog stumbled away aimlessly, lashing at the air around it before crumbling to the floor with heavy breathing. She realized it had gone blind and was dying...

The other wolfhound seemed to be startled by her viciousness and stood from a distance away howling at her but was hesitant to get closer.

She was physically drained after that tussle. She suffered quite a number of injuries on her body as well. However, she still stood up calmly, a glass shard dripping with blood in her hand.

The blood was a mixture of the dog's and hers. The potent smell of blood excited the wolfhound but it was cautious to not charge blindly at her. Instead, it circled her patiently, waiting for its break.

As the wolfhound circled Tahera, she turned to face it, giving it no chance to tackle her from her side or behind. However, she couldn't catch up to the dog's speed due to massive blood loss.

The wolfhound finally found a lull in her movement and charged at her arm which held the shard. Its force knocked her off her feet as well!

Finally tasting meat again, the wolfhound refused to let go no matter how hard Tahera struggled.

At that moment, het unimpeded left hand felt around the ground to search for other shattered shards. Her fingers eventually curled around one and the sensation of pain from both hands snapped her attention into focus.

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