Chapter 1

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(A/N Mia's outfit at the top)

She got out of her brothers car as he waved good-bye to her.

"Be safe" he told her.
"I will, I will" she told her brother.
"Bye Cameron!" she shouted
"Bye Mia!" he shouted back.

She watched as he was engulfed in a mob of people. She walked inside the school and stood at the front dest. "Hello?" she called out and a blonde peppy looking secretary came out of the back.

"Hello dear!" the secretary called in a preppy voice with a huge smile, "How can i help you?". Mia looked at the secretary's name tag, "Mrs.Jones, could i please have my schedule i'm new here"

She checked her computer then smiled "Mrs.Dallas right?" asked Mrs.Jones. "Oh course!" answerd Mrs.Jones as she printed out the schedule, "Here you go!"

As Mia walked away she looked at her schedule

first period science~ Mr.Pereson -room 12

second period history~ Mrs.Lawless -room 9

third period gym ~ Mr.Llab -gymnasium

fourth period free period

fifth period math ~ Mrs. Acty

Mia wondered down the halls until she found some trophies, since she came extra early.
i wonder if they will like my clothes?? she thought.

Mia was wearing a red plaid crop top and black jeans. She had some knit boots on along with some gold and pink sunglasses. She had on a black chocker. She also had a feather earring in her belly button, and she had her multi coloured hair in a french braid.

Mia wondered if she could ever win a trophy. She stood in the hallway looking at the trophies on the walls to pass the time as she waited for the bell to ring.

The bell rang and she was off, until she bumped into a boy, a cute boy at that. He had blackish-brownish hair, and he had one lazy eye which Mia found cute. He had pink lips, a cute little nose, beautiful brown eyes and was slightly pale, she could also see his defined muscles beneath his white tee.

"Sorry" he muttered and helped her up off the floor. She watched his arm muscles flex as he weightlessly picked her up off the ground and steadied her on her feet. She gazed into his perfect chocolate eyes and knew she wanted him.

"hi" she said sheepishly
"hey" he said casually
"whats your name?" he asked
"Mia" she answered
"whats yours?" she added
"Shawn, Shawn Mendes"

First chapter... boom😏 i hope yall liked it😚 if ypu find any mistakes could you kindly point them out😛
hugs and kisses

Fallen Angel (Shawn Mendes & Jack Gilinsky)Where stories live. Discover now