Chapter 1: ostracised

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Little izuku yagi was a very happy and cherished child. he lived an amazing life with his sister izumi yagi and parents inko and toshinori yagi. he had two amazing friends as well being kataski bakugo and shoto todoroki and everything was great. izuku loved heros more then anything and wanted to be one ever since he found out what a hero was. he made a promise with his sister and two best friends that they would become the greatest heros the world had ever known. all that joy and happiness all instantly crumbled away after just one simple visit to the docter.

 izuku was ecstatic knowing today would finaly be the day he would get his quirk, the day he would start his goal of becoming a hero, oh how cruel the world is isn't it? the docter came in the room, izumi and izuku were both shaking with excitement and inko and toshinori where also smiling waiting for the results. '' well theres been a turn off events" the docter says in a somewhat down mood. inko and toshinori's faces fell into worry as inko asked "a-a turn of events, what do you mean?" she asked with worry.

" well first off congratulations your daugter has been found to have an amazing quirk" 

  izumi was jumping up and down with joy as she heard the doctor explain her quirk

" she seems to have developed a type of telekinesis quirk like yours, only it seems much stronger and also looks to have a bit less backlash"

inko was amazed and kept on praising izumi, showering her with praise for the news. after about 5 minutes of compliments she turns to the quirk doctor again and then askes if he could tell her about izuku's quirk.

this was izuku's moment, the moment he had been waiting for all his life, he was shaking with happiness......... only to have his heart crushed by a single sentence

'' sorry mam theres now other way to tell you this but izuku...... he wont be developing a quirk. he is apart of the 10% of the population we call the quirkless which would also make becoming a hero impossible." 

that single sentence was all that was needed to send izuku tumbling deep in to a pit of despair. the butterfly effect of that sentence would lead izuku's happy and optimistic life into one of misery and sadness. after this visit he was ignored by his parents after that and they did not even acknowledge his existence.  after that izumi was loved and praised after that amd know one gave izuku a passing glance.

the next day at school izumi and izuku met with todoroki and bakugo and, lets just say it did not go well

'' Izumi, Izuku!'' the 2 boys called out

'' we heard you guys found out about your quirks yesterday, how did it go?'' todoroki asked

'' whatever it is i cant be as good as mine!'' bakugou proudly yelled

'' guys, izuku dosent have a quirk'' izumi said slighty upset.

izuku hid shamefully behind izumi and almost started crying

'' but if he doesn't have a quirk then he cant be a hero!''todoroki said

it broke izukus heart to hear those words from someone he calls a friend no less. 

as the years went by izuku was constantly bullied, abused and made fun off all because he didnt have a quirk. even his friends turned on him, every day he would enter his classroom and go home with frostbite, burn marks and sevral bruises but no one noticed, those who did simply didnt care and izuku had had enough




if this world required him to have a quirk to be a hero then he would find away to do it

he would be the greatest hero the world had ever seen 

                                                                                or so he thought   

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