"R-Right. I'll drive." He clears his throat and swings his leg over, surprised when he feels the woman's arms wrap around his waist. He runs his hands over hers and gently squeezes them before gripping the handlebars and revving up. It's only 15 minutes before they reach the base once more. Gunnar waits for the woman to get up, but she doesn't move for a moment. "Kámá?"

"Hm?" She sits up with a stretch, slowly getting off. "Sorry. Fell asleep." She cracks her back with a groan. "It's relaxing when I don't drive."

"Well, we can spend the rest of the day relaxing." Gunnar watches as she opens the garage door with her card, pushing the snowmobile in when she does. Raising her index finger to him to signal his patience, she goes through the door and shuts it behind her. Gunnar unstraps one of the crates and decides to bring it in after a moment.

"Come with me." Ritual gestures when she spots him.

"Aren't we not allowed up here?" Gunnar asks as he follows her to her loft, watching her open the door.

"No, but I need to change my clothes and I need the crate." She pushes the door open, closing it behind him. He looks around the cozy room, admiring the canopy bed entangled in lights.

"It's a stupid fear, I know." She chimes, noticing his gaze. She walks over to a little switch tucked into the shelf of her desk, flicking it. The array of cream colored lights come on. She walks over to the side of her canopy bed, flicking another switch. Gunnar watches in awe as the lights shine on the rest of the room. "I hope you don't mind."

"It's not stupid. It's so beautiful in here," Gunnar says softly, taking it all in as he carefully sits on the bed, setting the crate beside him. "Like you."

"You're too innocent, Gunnar." Ritual chuckles softly, turning her back to him and removing the top of her Gorka 4, his eyes tracing each of the deep scars crawling across her back as the black fabric moves to reveal them. Before he has the chance to analyze, she replaces her uniform with a warmer suit and grasps his hand. "Alright, come on." She leads him to the door.

"Where are we going?" Gunnar follows her out onto the snow, letting her drag him.

"You asked me to build a snowman, didn't you?" She giggles, leading him over to the targets and kneeling down into the snow. With nothing but a chuckle, Gunnar kneels next to her and the two begin packing the snow into a mound. The two of them make fast work of the first ball, moving onto the second.

"So, Kámá, what did you do out there?" Gunnar asks, pressing a handful of snow on.

"It was basically just another 'Tell Me Where' mission- they point, I shoot. Except, you know, on a helicopter with a gun mounted to it. It was all fun and games until they followed us to our base."

"I'm sure. I was really worried about you..." He shyly admits, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I promised you I'd come back." Ritual puts her snow-caked hand on his shoulder with a gentle smile under her mask. "Now here we are, building a snowman, just like I also promised. How does he look?"

"Great!" Gunnar grins. "It's just missing a few things." He walks over, removing the hood from his coat and putting it on the snowman's head. He then kneels and draws three circles on the middle segment, making a target.

"He still needs a face." Ritual draws an angry face on it with her fingers, humming softly. She draws her pistol from her side and aims down at it. "Ready?"

"I don't have a gun yet!" Gunnar laughs with a wide gesture before letting his hands slap his sides.

"You know I carry two." She holds her other one out to him. She wouldn't let anyone hold one of her pistols if their life depended on it; They were hers, and hadn't left her hands since she'd received them. Yet, when Gunnar takes it from her and looks over its glossy appearance, she feels safe. He looks up at her curiously, and she knows he's about to ask if she's sure, so she gives him a firm nod before they both take aim.

"First to topple wins?" Gunnar offers.

"Is that a challenge?"

"It's always a challenge!" Gunnar laughs as they both empty their magazines into the snowman. He shoots for accuracy, aiming at the center dot, while Ritual plays it smart and picks away chunks at the side. Sure enough, one of her bullets strikes the left side and sends the head rolling.

"Aha!" She cheers. She reloads her weapon, taking the other from Gunnar and doing the same before holstering both. He can't help but smile as she admires her victory, her eyes meeting his as snow lines the frame of her goggles. Gunnar can't help but remember what he had envisioned; the moment was perfect. Ritual suddenly comes in close to him, sliding his mask down while throwing aside her own. "I won."

"Yes, you did, Kámá." Gunnar presses his lips to hers. "What grand prize can I offer such a winner?" He teases when they break away, grinning.

"Maybe one more kiss. You look like you could use some warming up..." She cooes to him almost, bumping his reddened nose with hers before nibbling his bottom lip. He hums softly, feeling the heat rise in his chest just as she had intended. "And a nap. A long nap would be good."

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