(Saga 2 Finale) Chapter 11: Fight in Wayne's Mansion

Start from the beginning

Y/N: Aw shit!

Y/N runs to the cave, as the scene changes to Bruce getting off his coat and putting his Batman suit, but Y/N appears by the door frame.

Y/N: Guys! The Court's here!

Bruce: I expected it.

Y/N: What?

Dick puts a screen with the gate to Wayne Manor.

Dick: Red security grid up and active?

Bruce: Unless someone shut it down and didn't bother to tell us.

Alfred: Most unkind, sir.

Bruce: I don't know if it's Bruce Wayne or Batman the Court's come for. But either way, *puts Batman mask* they're about to get a welcome they will never forget.

Y/N: *neutral* Word.

Dick and Y/N put their mask on and get ready for the war. The scene changes to Batman, Knightcrawler and Nightwing running in the hallways until they reach one of the dozens of living room in the mansion, until the windows were cracking and they broke, showing hundreds of Talons, though the clothes they used were different. The three vigilantes cover themselves, until they get into a fighting stance, Bruce in a boxing pose, Dick grabbed his Escrima Sticks and Y/N grabbed his Tonfas and both popped a small blade as they get surrounded by hundreds of Zombie Talons.

Dick: What the hell are these things?

Bruce: I'm not sure if they're actually alive, but I've seen first hand that they can be destroyed.

Y/N: Ok. *cracking his neck* Let's bring them hell.

The Talons started to engage to the three Vigilantes, Bruce started to beat the living shit out of the Talons, as each the three took a place. Y/N landed on the stairs, as a bunch if Talons went after him. He uses the blade in his Tonfas, and starts to cut limbs of each Talon one by one. He kicked one back, impale another in the head as he makes a backflip and throws a bunch of batarangs which impaled them and they exploded. A Talon came from behind, about to slash at Y/N but he ducks, swipes his legs and pops out a blade from his top hand, cutting it's head cleanly. He grabbed another Talon and throws it at Bruce. Bruce punches it later twisting his neck in a 180 and later impaling a batarang in it's head. He blocks a sword with his gauntlets and karate chops his neck but a bit too much and kicks him away. He grapples another Talon and pulls it towards Dick who hits him at full strength with his Escrima Sticks. Dick and Bruce get back to back beating them with lethal blows without hesitation. Y/N kicked one back and cuts another Talon's head. He jumps to a wall and grapples to the roof, throwing a bunch if explosive batarangs at the Talons, making them explode. He landed in the ground blocking the claws from another Talon with his gauntlet and Tonfas just for him rip the Talon's throat and put a small bomb, exploding him from the inside. He throws the ripped throat at a Talon who cuts it but Y/N knees him and makes a front flip landing from behind just to lift him over his head and throws him at another pair of Talons, but the Talon he had also had a small explosive making him explode with the others. (I think I'm using too much Michael Bay).

Y/N sees the windows getting closed, knowing the red security has been active. He runs to the door knowing he is the furthest of the three. Bruce and Dick run as well with the three managing to pass to the library due to the entrance to the hallway has been sealed with a metal door. More Talons come and shot some kind of rope dagger at the three of them. The three of the dodged them as Bruce grapples to the second floor of the library landing on front of the seven Talons. He lands on one of them, dodges another one but he grabs him and uses him as a sledgehammer hitting another Talon, just to jump high enough throwing three explosive batarangs at three Talons just to land and blocks a claw from the last Talon by his side. He blocks the claw, breaks his arm and later breaks his neck just to find an antique sword, grabbing it and impaling the Talon in the head and later cutting it. He leaves the sword in the ground and lands in the lower floor with Dick and Y/N helping them. Y/N blocks a claw but gets grabbed from behind and a Talon throws him to the books, breaking it. Y/N stands up and sees the Talons rushing at him. Y/N scoffs but sees two sais in the ground from the Talons, as he grabs them and gets ready.

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