Chapter Nine: Patio at Midnight

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After Polly had explained everything. The Keepers found out about Emma. Polly had made the poison to put in Johnson's drink causing him to pass out. She was arrested but the Keepers still had to find Emma.

Kelsey Kane told the Keepers to meet up in their own hideout where Dylan showed her. The plan was that they were supposed to confront Emma before she was going to poison someone else. But how?

"So how are we going to capture Emma?" Lily raised her hand.

"Easy," Kelsey said as she laid down a map of the school. "So I'll lead Emma to this field right here." She drew a circle. "Where Cyan and Jayden will be guards so incase she tries to escape, she can't. Then, Dylan will have a mind battle with her and we got her."

Dylan nodded, "And you're sure that this plan will work?"

"I am certain." She nodded. "We'll do it tomorrow when she least expects it."


Kelsey headed towards her dorm room thinking about the plan to capture Emma. The problem was that she was so self conscious about herself. Her whole life, she had been invisible. Nobody wanted to adopt her, nobody wanted her, and most of all, her parents didn't want her. And for what? Because she had powers. She always felt different. She felt like she would always be different.

She then headed to the patio to watch the stars. Everytime that she thought about the stars or even watched them, it calmed her down.

Dylan was on his way to his dorm room when he saw Kelsey looking at the stars outside by herself. He then came up beside her.

"You know, you are a really talented detective," Dylan said looking at the stars.

"Thank you," She smiled as she sighed. "I just hope the plan works. It would suck if it didn't."

"It will work," He said turning to her. "And just remember, it only took us a couple weeks to solve this case than the police did in a day."

"Yeah, I know." She smiled. "You're a great partner, Dyl."

"And you are too, Kelsey Kane." He smiled back at her. "Well, it's getting late. I'm going to bed."

Kelsey watched him go as she reviewed about what happened to Johnson. She then looked behind her as she was imaging the case in front of her eyes.

Johnson had two kids in his history class, Emma Green and Polly Roads. Emma was failing in history, and Polly made a bad grade on a test, so Johnson decided to tutor her.

"So Emma, you have a C in this class." Mr. Johnson said. "How come?"

"Well, you see sir, I.. I study really hard." Emma said. "But I.. I don't really understand the material."

Mr. Johnson nodded as he looked at Polly's grades. "Polly, you are doing amazing but you failed this one test that I think you and I should cover."

Kelsey then watched as she remembered the two girls walk out. She then remembered what Lashin told her about Johnson and her last conversation.

"Who? I thought that I was teaching Polly," Lashin said trying to stop him.

"No Lashin," Johnson said sighing. "Listen, I appreciate you looking after me. But these students need me. It's my job to take care of them. I'll be back tomorrow."

The two girls drove together to Johnson's house as Johnson tutored Emma first. Polly poisoned Johnson's coffee killing him. Kelsey remembered finding the poison that Polly "borrowed" from the chemistry room. And Polly had admitted to it when Dylan interviewed her in math class.

"Then answer my question. Did you have anything to  do with Jeff Johnson's death?" He asked narrowing his eyes.

"I didn't poison him." She said with her eyes widening. It looked like she had been caught in a lie.

Emma called the police and claimed them as "witnesses." But in reality, they were the suspects. They thought they were so clever but Polly also explained that someone made them a deal for killing Johnson.

"Okay, he made us a deal. He said that if he killed Johnson, we would get a upper deal. Emma poisoned him. Not me." Polly said pleading, "I had nothing to do with it."

It was all connection now. Now, they were catching the killer tomorrow. The mind games were now over and it was their turn to mess with their minds.


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