Chapter One: The Case of Jeff Johnson

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A school for gifted youngsters.

Was she a gifted youngster?

She didn't feel like it.

Kelsey Kane was just sitting in the Professor's office waiting as he came in. Kelsey had arrived at the school five days ago. It was early in the morning but it was just a quick meeting. She was hoping that she wasn't in trouble.

"Kelsey Kane," The Professor said looking at her file. "What are your powers?"

"Invisibility and walking through walls." She explained. "One time while my math class was taking a test, I accidentally disappeared. I had no idea what happen."

The Professor nodded as he wrote down some notes. "How do you like your classes?"

"They are fine." She said smiling softly. She still felt like the new kid. She then blinked remembering her question. "On my schedule, it says that I have history with Mr. Johnson but I have Mrs. Grey."

The Professor nodded slowly. "Jean Grey. She is an excellent teacher but she had to replace Mr. Johnson sadly."

"What happen?" Kelsey asked as she pulled some hair away from her face. Even though it was short, it still got in the way.

The Professor sighed, "Johnson went away on a business trip. He didn't come back after that. Then, people discovered that he had passed away."

Kelsey shook her head in shock. "He just suddenly disappeared and then he died? It makes no sense."

"Now Kelsey," The Professor begin to calm her down.

"But sir, he could have been kidnapped! He could have been murdered!" Kelsey said shouting as she jumped up from her seat pointing.

"Kelsey Kane!" He yelled as Kelsey sat back down slowly. "I know that you like mysteries. I read your files. You're a good student, but let the police handle this."

Kelsey nodded as the Professor handed her files. She was cleared to leave as she got her book-bag and left.

Somebody at the school possibly had been murdered. And nobody cared expect her.

There were many mutants at the school. Some could fly, some could turn into creatures, turn invisible, and other powers that weren't heard of before. The school was supposed to be safe for people like them. Since in the real world, people were afraid of them. They wanted to do experiments on them. The school allowed the mutants to use their powers wisely and the teachers taught them how to use them.

Kelsey was definitely not like the other mutants at all. She was different. She had short, wavy, blonde hair. She had sparkling blue eyes that she always got compliments on. She had on a yellow cardigan with light blue jeans with lavender boots. Kelsey always loved mysteries ever since she could read. One of her favorites was Sherlock Holmes. She dreamed of becoming a police officer or even a detective. Now Kelsey wanted to prove her point, she was going to solve this case. No matter what the cost was.

Mind Games
By Starclaw123

"Now I want you to read pages 5-12 as we keep looking at substitution. We have a quiz, Monday!" The math teacher called out as the class walked out. It was an off break and Kelsey wanted to get some answers. The off break was when students could go to their dorms and sleep, hangout with friends, or go to study hall. It was only for two hours so Kelsey had to hurry.

Kelsey Kane: Mind Games (Book 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ