Fists of Love and Pirate Parties

Start from the beginning


"Come to think of it Luffy.. I heard you saw your father," Garp said, turning away from the wall he was patching up with his troops.

This confused the ebony haired man, "What do you mean by my dad? I have a dad?"

"You're only alive because you have a dad," I commented with a deadpan.

Garp grunted and stuck his pinky in his nose, "Oh.. then he didn't tell you who he was? I heard he saw you off in Loguetown." Eh I wasn't there so I have no idea what they're talking about.

"What's my dad like?" he asked.

"Your father's name is... Monkey D. Dragon. He's a revolutionary!"

My jaw dropped, and so did everyone else's. Including the marines. Luffy was just confused, but he didn't even know Shanks became an emperor, so I'm not surprised. So Dragon is Garp's son, and Luffy is Dragon's son. What women had to put up with these insane men to create more insane men. When Luffy asked who dragon was, Sanji called him an idiot for not knowing, and Nami only said he was a dangerous man. He then turned to Robin for an explanation.

"How should I put it... Pirates wouldn't start a fight with the Government or Navy, but there's a power trying to bring down the World Government directly now. That's the revolutionary army. And Dragon is the one who leads it. Their ideology has now spread in many countries around the world, which caused rebellions and led several kingdoms to fall. The government naturally became angry and has been searching everywhere for their mastermind, Dragon, all this time as the world's most heinous criminal... but he's been considered a mysterious man whose background was completely unknown. And yet.." she explained and then trailed off.

"And yet?" Luffy asked.

"Ah.." Garp hummed, "I shouldn't have said anything about it, huh?" He then started howling with laughter while we all looked at him in disbelief. "Well then.. forget what I just said!"

"WHAAATTT?!" everyone shrieked.


Everything calmed down after a bit, and I sat at the table with Robin, drinking some tea that Sanji served. Zoro was sitting on the floor with his tea for some reason. Too cool for a table. They talked a bit but both mine and the blond's ears perked when they mentioned that Nami was at the pool with Chimney and Kokoro.

"EH?! Nami-chwan is wearing a swimsuit?! I'll go bring drinks or something!" the blonde gushed, speeding off somewhere.

I stood up as well, "I think I'll head to the pool too. I'll probably see you guys there." Sanji was off doing whatever and didn't even hear me, so I changed into a one piece (kekeke pun) and threw some shorts and a tank top  over it. Throwing a towel over my shoulder, I walked out of the building and found Luffy and his friends.

Luffy was in the middle of talking about reverse mountain when I showed up, seeming to surprise the two navy soldiers for whatever reason. "Oh! Hey, (y/n)!" he called out, about to jump down from his seat on a broken brick wall to talk to me.

I held a hand up to stop him from coming down and said, "You can stay and talk with them, Luffy, I'm gonna go to the swimming pool." I looked towards the pink haired guy, Koby, seeing that his eyes were already on me. I smiled, "It was nice meeting you two. I heard about you from Zoro earlier, Koby. Oh, and you too blond guy who Zoro doesn't remember the name of."

Koby's ears were red along with the rest of his face as he tried to say something, "O-oh h-h-h-hello-"

"My name is Helmeppo, damnit!"

"Anyway, I'll see you later, Luffy, Koby," I waved goodbye and started walking away.

I almost rounded the corner of the building when I could hear whisper yelling about having attractive women on the Straw Hats. I snickered as I walked down the path to the Galley-La pool. When I got there, I saw Nami jump into the pool in her polka dotted bikini. Chimney and her.. cat cheered when I showed up, and I grinned at them. I threw off my top and shorts onto the chair Nami had her stuff at, laughing when I saw Kokoro jump from the water and look back at us seductively. From what my father said, mermaids that Sanji dreams of are at another island we have yet to approach yet. I don't know for sure so I can't be getting his hopes up yet.

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