"May I ask what the fuck is so dangerous that people are killed over?" Aizawa asked completely baffled.

"Imagine if you will-" Izuku started getting All Might to wave his hands to stop him "-A material that doesn't require a costume to be customized to a quirk. It actually gains the properties of your quirk when wearing it. A single suit could be worn by Mt Lady, 13 and Endeavor. The suit would be perfect for any quirk and the material can self repair."

"It would bankrupt the entire industry." All Might said "half the problem with support gear is learning to fit it around quirks. If you take that factor away you'd put an entire Industry out of business."

"And if I'd get shoved into that job I'd lack the give a damn about my health or the jobs of others." Izuku said "I own the only Nuclear Fusion reactors on the planet. Stark is the only company with manned space travel. I am untouchable if I ever try to make something like that. So to answer why I don't make support gear, I'd be too good at it."

Aizawa understood.

"So about that training." All Might said.

"Alright we can work on it." Izuku said.


Katsumi had knocked on the door but Jarvis had told her Deku wasn't in the dorm.

"Hey Bakugou!" Mina shouted "We were about to watch a movie. Where's Midori?"

"He isn't here." Katsumi said.

"Where is he?" Mina asked.

"Sir is currently finishing his evaluation with Eraserhead." Jarvis said.

"When will he be back?"


"Hello?" Deku's voice was heard over a loud bang.

"Deku? What's going on?" Katsumi asked.

"Doing drills. My suit needs to register a few of it's abilities so I'm gonna be busy." Izuku said.

"We were gonna watch a movie." Mina said.

"Sorry kinda important I do this so the staff aren't on my ass about this later." Izuku said "I'll be back in a bit."

Testing ground

"Ok so when flying you want to make sure you don't go all out from ground or you'll get flung into something." Izuku said after hanging up.

The training bots were brought out and Izuku demonstrated flying in and taking out 4 in the first few seconds.

The training bots were brought out and Izuku demonstrated flying in and taking out 4 in the first few seconds

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Another set of robots were activated and the bots had different colors.

"Green bots are civilians!" All Might shouted.

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