"Right right we'll thanks for the advice I'll call you later and tell you how it went"

"Ight bye babe"

"Bye" I said hangin up.

So those events are what led me to where I'm at right now, in front of Makayla apartment. I knock on the door and after a couple seconds Kayla come to the door.

"Xianna...what you doing here" she said nervously.

"I just wanna talk can I come in." She said yeah then we went to sit on the couch. The apartment looked sorta unclean which was weird cause Makayla is a literal neat freak.

"So wassup?" She said turning towards me.

"...well everybody been saying that I should come talk to you because it's crazy how things ended and I know that on my end wish it never went down like that."

"I didn't either and I wish I could take back hurting you I never meant to cheat but it happened and I know I can't take it back. I'm sorry Xianna." She said on the verge of tears.

"Don't cry man...look I'm sorry too because you was right I let all those girls hit on me right in front of you and didn't say anything. I wish I didn't and that I acted like a better girlfrie—"

"Don't say that you was the best girlfriend I took that shit for granted and I shouldn't have. I broke both of our hearts and even if we didn't act like a couple anymore I wish we would've said something to each other... anything at all to end our relationship before it got this far. Maybe if we did we would still have a friendship." She interrupted.

"But look though that's why I'm here like I really don't wanna lose you. We both fucked up and I don't want to lose our friendship over that because after we started dating remember what that n*gga Carlos said." I asked holding back tears.

"That we wouldn't last and when we broke up we would hate each other losing our friendship in the process."

"Exactly and what did we tell him and promise each other?"

"That no matter what happened we wouldn't let this relationship affect our friendship." Now she was just full on crying.

"Exactly and I intend on keeping that promise because I'm not letting that idiot prove us wrong."

"But how can you just be so forgiving of me like I fucked up I don't deserve your forgiveness."

"No don't we both did even if I didn't physically cheat I still thought about it plenty of times and that makes me just as guilty. I promised you and myself that I would never hurt you and that's what I did so I want too put this whole thing behind us and start fresh a clean slate between us."

"Really?" I nodded my head and she jumped in my arms hugging me. I slightly laughed before she started talking again.

"I'm sorry about calling Manna a bitch and some other names...I guess that I was upset that you looked at her like you used to look at me. But I understand she's really nice and pretty even if I didn't want to admit it."

"I understand I feel like we should be thanking her for this whole thing it was her idea."

"Really?" She asked laughing.

"Yeah she said she ain't want you going all psycho ex on me while her mom was visiting." I couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous that sounded I swear Makayla is like the least violent person I den ever met. She once cried after I killed a spider that was in her car.

"Wow didn't think I gave those vibes off." She laughing still. I just shrugged them smiled. I told her I had to go because I had classes tomorrow but that I would call her later. After I got home I saw Manna coming out the bathroom in only a towel.

"Holy shit you scared me" she said jumping slightly.

"My bad" I said looking her up and down.

"Did you go talk to her" she asked walking into her room.

"Yeah I did" shouting a lil so she could hear me since she had closed her door.

"Are y'all ok?" I didn't feel like screaming back and forth so I just waited till she was done getting dress. "So?" She said coming out her room.

"Yeah we ok I'm glad you talked me into doing it because honestly I prolly would have been broken for awhile if I just lost her like that."

"Good. I'm glad y'all on good terms now" she said smiling. I went to hug her because she was the reason I was so happy right now. She hugged back and we stayed like that for a lil before going back to her room and chilling the rest of night.

I think I did pretty good on my biology test so yk I had to update✨.

Comment on this bitch tho plssss.

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