Dream rested his back against the wall, arms folded. "Why does he care so much if he has his stupid girlfriend to care for."

"Dream if i'm being honest," He inhaled. "Pretty sure she's just a distraction."

His eyebrows furrowed, "Distraction from..?"

"From his feelings," Sapnap smirked. "For you"

Dream scoffs, "Bullshit, Sap."

Sapnap says, "Oh come on now, I couldn't have kept this to myself all along just for you not to believe me." He bickers, "I'm not joking."

"In all seriousness?" He could've sworn his heart skipped a beat.

Sapnap nodded his head, beginning to walk away signaling he had to go back now. "Please tell him while you have the chance." He encouraged, "You got this."


Back with Anna

She sipped from the straw of the smoothie meant for George, waiting for him at the side walk while texting.


You done it yet?

Yeah, it worked. His friend saw it all.
It worked so well
Mf ran home to go tell the blondie

Great going
Come back and I'll give you the money,
Bring me the smoothie too <3

Will do

We already got the idea for the next offer

Cya there
Read 7:36

She slipped her phone into her pocket, getting up with a sly smile on her face, smoothie in hand. The wind blew through her hair making it flow in the cool breeze. Each step onto a new block of the side walk covering her with the streetlight, stepping back into darkness.

Once she made it under the bridge, she was met with two men standing there waiting for her. "Where's my money?"

They held out their hands, stacks of dollar bills lying on them. "Thank you." She winked, "What's the next deal."

"I need you to make it into their band, it'd profit us a lot. Especially if you became lead singer." They offered, "1000 bucks, work on your singing. I expect you in by next week."

She nodded, walking away with the thought in her mind. Taking out a note pad from her pocket, she flipped to a new page, naming it 'To do'

"My singing can't be that bad." She snickered.

But still, she wrote

• Get singing lessons
• Join the band
• Get that bag

She put the notepad away, walking with her ponytail swaying back and forth. Her heels clacked when it made contact with the concrete floor.

Her face glowed red from the traffic lights. Moments after waiting, it switched to green. Walking across the crosswalk as the cars waited for the signal to go ahead.

She looked at them through their windshield, winking as they waved at her.

And finally, she stopped in front of the graffiti-covered building. Pushing the door open and getting looks from the three teenagers sitting on the couch. They had already her gossips about her from Karl and Quackity.

She received dirty looks, paying them back with a middle finger. Tommy scoffed, "Some women are just bitches." He glared at her.

She glared back.

George was there, sleeping on the couch.

Karl and Quackity watched carefully, making sure she doesn't try anything.

She sat down, playing with his hair to wake him up carefully. "Baby.."

"Hm?" He said sleepily, eyes still closed.

She ruffled her fingers through his hair, "I'm here baby."

He hummed, going back to sleep.

She kicked her heels off, laying down next to him and resting her eyes. Anna loved irritating them, winking as they rolled their eyes.

Mouthing "He's mine"

They didn't take it into offense, knowing George loved Dream. They knew about it being a distraction. The way he looked at Anna was nothing compared to how he looked at Dream.

Everyone was convinced they were soulmates.

He was not Anna's to call her own.

Through everything, Dream was always there.

George's friends knew better than him himself. They sensed her bad vibes from miles away.

The way she acted, they were sure she was up to no good.

feral boysTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon