58. In the partial end

Start from the beginning

"Kelsey, leave", Charles orders me, his stare fix on Andrew who is staring at the ground.

"No, Char you can't fight him, please", I don't understand why the hell Andrew is not defending himself, I take another look at him and his eyes are low in a shameful state as he has accepted defeat.

"I won't if you leave, you have done enough", he completes, and I sob with his statement. His hostility through me right now is evident, he barely glances at me, and it hurts. It hurts understanding I have changed the fate of our relationship tonight.

We were always a team and now I betrayed him and it scares the hell out of me knowing it will have consequences, knowing our relationship won't be the same, knowing I let him down...

I walk slowly in direction of the door; I'm still afraid Char will attack Andrew, provoking this to end in an even worst way than it has to.

Charles doesn't wait until I'm out to continue his speech, "I can't believe I took you in".

"I fucking let you in, with my friends and family, and you-" I turn to watch while reaching the door, Char has his hands on his hair now, snorting before continuing.

"You used my sister to warm your bed?"

"My sister?", he reinforces his speech pointing to himself, and what he is stating sinks in my brain, as I watch Andrew for the last time through the open door. He isn't denying it, he isn't fucking saying a single thing. Why isn't he fucking denying it?

I turn to leave still hearing Char's shoutings "You couldn't bring another girl in her bed, so you decide to sleep with her??"

I sob again, not hearing anything in return from Andrew through the now-closed door.

I'm so confused, overwhelmed by everything announced tonight, he isn't dating Alicia, but he hasn't denied my brother's statement of using me to warm his bed. My bed.

Was it all just convenient for him?

Before I reach Dani's door across the hall it gets spring open by her. She seems startled, closing her gown in a hurry.

"Kels, what the hell is happening? I can hear the screams from my room."

I can't respond, sobbing I walk in her direction and hug her seeking comfort.

"Oh", it's all she says, passing her hand on my hair, I sense her bringing us to her apartment and closing the door.

We sit on the couch, and I retain my arms around her as a support, reassurance.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to disturb your date".

"Don't worry, he is sleeping", when her hand returns to caress my hair we both hear Charles's apartment door opening followed by steps.

"Don't think for a second on going after her", Char yells, "Leave us the hell alone".

I look at Dani, finding concern in her face, we are both paying attention to any sign arising from the hall. The elevator door opens, and then it is closing, finally ending anything ongoing there concluding by Char hitting his door.

Andrew is gone, Char hates me. And now I got disrupted by what was left, the silence.

"I'm so sorry I wake you", I sob again, I know Andrew for a few months now and I have cried more since than I have ever done for Brandon in four years.

"Don't worry Kels, I'm here for you", she affirms, "and we will be here until you tell me everything, I sense there is more than just tonight, and it is time you tell me".

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