Because Shinobu is revered for her disciplinary methods and skilled in her craft, the staff and teachers collectively know her as 'the hall monitor'. To her peers, however, she is not much more than a teachers' pet who takes her role too seriously.

You've seen her a few times, and know that she doesn't often lose her temper explosively as Tengen or Sanemi would. She doesn't need to. Somehow, one stare from those piercing violet eyes is enough to break any old foolish child down.

"OH GOD...IT'S SHINOBU. AND SHE'S COMING OVER HERE" You began to hyperventilate, fumbling with the cumbersome objects in your arms

"I don't really know who that lady is but she got really mad at me earlier this week," Tanjiro says, seeming to share your sentiment of fear towards this woman "I can't even imagine what she'll say to this."

"Should we just run for it?!" You take a tentative step back

"Where would we run? She has a car" Tanjiro frowned

FUCK, We're going to get in sooo much trouble

"(Y/n)." Shinobu called, walking toward you in a menacing manner


"WAAAAGH" You scream, finally giving in to your instincts and dropping everything to attempt to run past the small woman

"OOH NO YOU DON'T." Shinobu snatched you by the collar of your uniform while you passed

Your limbs flailed at the recoil of having been grabbed with such force in mid-air. She yanked you back and pulled your face close enough to look her in the eye

"That's enough of that." Shinobu smiled "Let's get in the car now, shall we?"

You nod slowly "Y-yes Kochou-san"


The same name repeated like a broken record in your head while you stared blankly ahead at the back of Shinobu's head

From your spot in between Tanjiro and Sabito in the back seat, it's hard to see really anything apart from the road ahead. 

To your right, Tanjiro is scrolling through his phone in his lap absent-mindedly, probably trying to avoid making eye contact with Shinobu through the driver's side mirror

On your left, Sabito watches the buildings go by out of the window. He likes to feel the wind on his skin, so the window is cracked just slightly to let some air in while sight-seeing.

Everything you guys were carrying is sitting in the front seat next to Shinobu. She insisted that all of your belongings would go there so that she could make sure you weren't up to something spectacularly wrong.

You shift to gaze over Tanjiro's shoulder at his phone screen, and you get a subtle whiff of the scent on his clothing.For some reason, he smells sweet, like strawberries.

He knows you're looking but Tanjiro has nothing to hide. His social media feeds seem to just consist of mostly tame memes or aesthetic posts. Nothing out of the ordinary.

"So," Shinobu speaks up, causing all of you to snap to attention immediately "Anybody going to tell me what you were thinking  while you ran away from school and came down here as soon as class started?"

Tanjiro scratches his head and Sabito clears his throat in discomfort

"Uhmmm..." You murmur, looking down at your lap

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