Until I met you

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Chapter 3 TW : sexual content and Some bad language

I got up and I felt perfectly fine . I was still in shock after yesterday it was my first day of college and that happened to me like cmon now can my life get any better .
I got dressed my head was pounding I took some pills and went off to school without saying anything to my mom
I got to school and my friends ran up to me
Emma : girl get out of that car and come here right now. " she hugged me tight I felt loved
Izzy: why are you hugging me ?"
Emma: you need it oh and by the way James has been sent for jail so be happy and now you can enjoy college like you should've been already " I looked over Emma's arm and I saw a big crowd cheering I walked over there with Emma and saw two boys fighting was was skinny and small and had blonde hair and Some tattoos and the other one .. oh man I couldn't explain it he was hot gosh I don't know but I couldn't stop looking at him he was everything a girl could possibly want he had Tattoos a lot to he has black hair , earrings , some rings on and gray sweats and a black shirt on he was muscular to it was hot . He looked at me we made eye contact I looked away and just walked away my face was all red . Emma: why did u just walk away I was enjoying my view " on who that black head kid ? " I said Emma : OMG ! You actually looked at a boy ? " Izzy: it's just because I wanted to see who was fighting " Emma : oh shut the fuck up izzy ! You thought he was cute " I grabbed my stuff and walked away with my head down low I walked in the building and felt. Eyes on me everywhere I was gonna. Have a panic attack I hate having eyes on me it's weird . I was going to the nurse for some pills for my head . But than I walk by the office and see the same boy from outside in the office getting in trouble I was looking at him I couldn't help myself .. I walked in the office to ask for the nurse the hot guy was looking at me I felt it but I didn't make eye contact back I got my pills and tried to leave but the Principal asked me a question " Hey Izzy can I ask you something ? " shit fuck shit fuck I said in my mind " Izzy: yes sir? " principal: well can you show these men to the janitor for there chores since they need a punishment? Izzy: yes I will sir " principal : thank you Izzy " your welcome sir I said " us 3 walked to the janitors room the blonde head boy said " hi my name is Alex " He said " I said " nice to meet you Alex I'm Izzy " But than the other guy said " No one cares who you both are just show us the janitors room god damn " he said " Izzy: I am if u have any patience. " the. Guy said " I do have patience but your taking it all by walking so fucking slow " I said " mk mr smart pants what's your name ? " he said "It's Ace . Just call me A tho . "
Izzy: A? Who are the guy from pretty little liar. Or whatever? I laughed out loud even Alex did as well.
Alex: good one izzy😂
Ace: girl watch your tone
Izzy: we're here thanks for having your patience I may leave now " I walked out I stopped and looked back I thought to my self not gonna lie he's pretty cool but a bitch but hopefully me and him can be on some good terms .

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