Who was he?

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Chapter 2 : TW: Sexual content read at your own costs

The bell rang and everyone went out of class I went out of class to find James but I was walking in the hall ways looking for James all confused but than someone grabbed me into a dark classroom with there hand over my mouth I tried to scream but they wouldn't let go until I bit there hand

I screamed " WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!" Izzy said loudly .
"Shush it's me James gosh you have a loud scream for a girl"
"seriously James ?!"izzy said
Izzy" why in the world mind of Lordy Christ would you do that ?"
James : "I didn't know you would freak out that much 😂"
Izzy: ok so? Why did you want to meet me after class
James : well I...
Izzy:Well I what? I don't have all day James
James : I like you Izzy ...and I want you in my life

Izzys thoughts * seriously by putting his hand on my mouth shoving me into a dark room with him ?! And now he likes me and wants me to date him ?!!"
Izzy: James no I don't like you we are friends for like ever now I don't wanna ruin a good friendship .."
James: please Izzy! I love you a lot and I want you only you !😍

I walked away saying "No" but than he grabbed me by my waist and pushed me against the wall ..
James : don't leave ..
Izzy: I'm leaving let me go or else -
James: or else what ???
Izzy: I will scream
James : oh wow I'm scared

I use my elbow to hit him in the face and I took a tan for it but the door was locked ..
"Shit ..: Izzy said "
He got up and just looked at me . he looked pretty angry not gonna lie . I was starting to get scared like what if he hurts me or else ..Rapes me ...
James .."You bitch"
He came after me he slammed my head against the wall I was just laying there everything went blurry I was crying my eyes out and than suddenly ... I heard another man coming in
HELP ! HELP ME PLEASE !! I screamed as loud as I possibly could
I saw a blurry person come in and punch the shit out of James . Did they kill him ? I thought there ..
and than it went all black .

I woke up the next morning in a bright white room I was just so confused I forgot about what even happened I heard a deep voice outside my room thinking who it was but than the nurse came in and said " You will be sent home today everything is good your head is better now it bled a lot but we did our best to make sure you didn't have any bad injuries. I sat there silent I just wanted to go home away from everything.
2 hours later
I was home finally I just laid in bed until the next day I wanted to know who saved me the nurse didn't tell me at all and I didn't even get to see who the person looked like who saved me I was anxious to know .
Mom: sweetie " Izzy"yes mom?" My voice cracked I sounded different. Mom:You good do you need anything to drink ?" Izzy: can I have a cup of water please ?" Mom : you may , and get ready and try to go to school I called the school and told them everything "
Seriously I still go to school? Uhg can my life get any better

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