Dangerously in Love (9)

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I went to go find Naomi to tell her i was going home. Somebody had called the ambulance for Derrick. I had a few friends help me with bringing my gifts up to my room. They left and told me Happ birthday again.

I felt so stupid after Malik left. I accused him of having a girlfriend. She was his godsister... Wow.. Well why was she wearng his hoodie like she was his girl? Was he lying to me? I had to talk to Malik. ASAP. I was just now turning 11oclock at night. I rembered that Malik had put his number in my phone. I scrolled through my contacts in search of 'Malik'. I didnt see his name. I was confused. I went to my call log, because i remembered that he called hiself on my phone. Since i really haven't talked to nobody except Naomi and my Coach, i knew i would be able to easily find it. I scrolled down a little more and seen 'Ty Baby'. I smiled. He really saved his number as that.

I had been staring at his number for about 10 minutes, contemplating on wether i should call him. Would he answer? Would he be mad at me? Of course he is mad. He wouldnt have walked out if he wasnt. I was brought out of my thoughts when my phone vibrated.

'Ty Baby'.

I smiled. He called me before i could get to him.

Me: "Hello?" I said softly, mentally preparing myself for his harsh words.

Him: "Open the door."

Me: "What?" I got up and looked out the window. Sure enough his car was parked outside, with him still in it.

I ran downstairs, nearly breaking my neck, trying to get to him.

I opened the door, and he was shutting his car door. He was walking up the steps now.

"Malik.. Im sorr-"

He brushed passed me and went up the stairs to my room.


I closed the door and locked it.

I went upstairs, put my phone on my bed and sat down.

Malik didnt say anything, so i took it upon myself to start conversation.

"Malik, im sory. I didnt know that she was your godsister. I just got so jealous, thinking that she was your girl, and got carried away with Derrick." I said picking out the invisible dirt that was under my fingernails.

"Yo, wassup with you and him? I feel like everytime i come around... He's around. He's your boyfriend or something? You giving him sex? Wassup. Be real with me." He said calmy. I was taken back by how calm he was. I expected him to be throwing shit around, rearranging my furniture.

"He's not my boyfriend, and im not having sex with him Malik. I barely even know the dude. He just a freind."

"So you were dancing all up on him, and he's just a friend?" He said looking at me. If looks could kill, i would be dead right now.

"I did it to make you jealous. I seen you walking in with that girl, and i couldnt control myself."

"If you have just let me explained earlier today, i would have told you that she was only my godsister. I wouldn't do that to you Kylee. Im not that man anymore. Why cant you just trust me?" Malik said.

Lord knows i wanted to leap into his arms, and kiss his lips, but i just cant.

"I'm sorry Malik. Im just not ready yet." I said.

We was interrupted with my phone vibrating.

Text message: "Got a couple of war wounds, but im gucci. Your boyfriend has a mean right hook. lol Text me later.. -D"

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