The Tagger- S1; EP2 Part 1

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A/N: Just an FYI it'll always be written in 3rd person, unless stated otherwise :)

The 99th Precinct

Jake steps out of the elevator and walks towards his desk. He does a double take before noticing the Captain standing angrily at his desk, "Ah, Captain. You're at my desk. Just what I want to see first thing in the morning." Jake laughs as he approaches his desk, completely ignoring Holt's piercing gaze and the knowing look (Y/N) sends his way.

"You're three minutes late, Peralta." Holt voice booms, causing (Y/N) to flinch a bit. Jake sets his stuff down and shoots (Y/N) a smile before returning his gaze to Holt.

"Not my fault. I had a plumbing problem." Jake looks at Holt smugly. (Y/N) shakes her head continuing to look at her paperwork. Jake had called her this morning from his neighbor's home phone to ask how to get water out of phone, because when Charles called to give his daily "good morning" call, Jake threw his phone and it miraculously landed in his toilet.

Jake continues, "Which reminds me, I'm gonna need a new departmentally issued phone." Jake smiles at Holy who just continues to stare at him. Jake's smile drops, "Oh, come on, really? I'm a few minutes late, so you're gonna call me out in front of everyone?"

Holt nods, "Good idea. Everyone? Gather around while I call out Peralta, in front of you." Everyone stops what they're doing and gathers around Jake and (Y/N)'s conjoined desks. (Y/N) just chuckles at Jake's misfortune before dropping her pen and looking up.

"Okay, fine. I was three minutes late." Jake admits, then continues sarcastically, "I'm sorry for doing one thing wrong!" Jake looks to (Y/N) to back him up, but she just chuckles and shrugs her shoulders. Jake sticks his tongue out at her and Holt sends him a pointed look.

"Oh, it's more than one thing." Holt pulls out a stack of files and Jake stares at then worriedly. "Let's start with the Kristov murder."

"It was an amazing solve." Jake says confidently, "I got him to confess in 20 minutes."

"What'd you do? Bore him to death?" Rosa teases, (Y/N) laughs and high fives her.

"No no, I bet he used torture. Did you try flirting with him, Jake?" (Y/N) jokes, Rosa gives her an impressed look as she laughs.

"Diaz, Aberra, that's enough." Holt tells the two before turning back to Jake, "You also mislabeled the evidence, so that confession would have been worthless if the Sargent hadn't caught your mistake." Jake pulls a face, crossing his arms and looking toward the Sarge. Terry just shrugs in response to Jake's look. "Here are three cases with sloppy paperwork." Holt shows Jake three more files. Holt turns back to Jake's desk to pick up more stuff, "Here are two pictures. One is your locker and the other is a garbage dump in the Philippines." Holt dances the pictures, almost taunting Jake with them, "Can you tell which is which?"

Jake stares at them intensely for a moment, then he points at the picture on the right, "That one's the dump?"

The captain replies swiftly and curtly, "They're both your locker!"

Jake grunts in frustration, "I should've guessed that. He's good."

"There's no damn way Cap just pulled a 'Pam Beesly'." (Y/N) whispers to Amy with an impressed smile. Amy just turns to her confused.

"A 'Pam Beesly'? What is that?" Amy questions, clearing unaware of the killer Office reference (Y/N) was proud of making.

(Y/N) looks at her in offence, "What is that?" She repeats, "You know, like in The Office? When Creed was left in charge and Pam had to give him something to do, so she gave him two photos and said, 'Corporate wants you to find the differences between this picture and this picture.' And the later tells the cameras that they were the same photo?" (Y/N) stares at Amy's confused look and her eyes widen in shock, "Amy Santiago, have you never seen The Office?" Amy shakes her head, still extremely confused. (Y/N) just scoffs, "Alright fine, this weekend you and me are having a sleepover where we do an Office marathon." Amy goes to decline, but Holt continues to ridicule Jake.

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