The City Beside the Sea

Start from the beginning

During our walk, I had managed to gain information about the city. For starters, it was called Azureshire, a name fitting for a city beside the sea. It's language was called Ronin. From listening to the locals, I had managed to piece together how to speak the language fairly easily, of course with the help of my Language Comprehension, it made it substantially easier. I also discovered that the people who ruled this city were called the Trifecto Order, an alliance created by the countries of Azureshire, the city beside the sea, Helios, aptly named after the Greek god of the sun, although the Greek Pantheon didn't seem to exist in this world. Helios was situated in the harsh, unforgiving, Rumund Desert. The third country was Kriegsville, located in the Argos plains, surrounded by lush greenery and steep mountains.

The Inn we had arrived at wasn't particularly big, but the room we rented was huge. Problem was there was only one huge bed. I particularly wasn't fond of sleeping with two girls, so I let them have the bed, and i made a makeshift one from cushions I found from the chairs.

It was a rather cold evening. It had began to snow. Come to think of it, this was only the second time I had felt snow, with the first during our first year in the winter holidays. I could see Kei shivering, while Hiyori was still passed out. I heated the room a bit using my fire magic. There was a furnace in the room, but the chimney was clogged. The temperature began to increase until it had turned into a warm room that made even me drowsy. Kei fell asleep, and I did too soon after she did.

It was rather early in the morning. The snow seems to have stopped. I slept like a log yesterday. Kei was still asleep. And Hiyori? She was sitting on a chair in the corner of the room, that had a desk, and a shiny glass pane. She was reading the famous novel, "To Kill A Mockingbird", by Harper Lee. The sunlight reflected off her beautiful bright skin. She seemed to notice me.

(Imagine her like this but she's holding a novel)

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(Imagine her like this but she's holding a novel)

"Ah! Good morning Kiyotaka-kun!" She said.

"Good morning." I replied. "Are you okay now?"

"Yup! Thanks to you and Karuizawa I feel better now!" She happily exclaimed!

" I see. That's good."

Despite her happy expression, I noticed that she was faking it. I peered into her mind and felt that she was still feeling pains, somewhere in her head. I drew closer to her and whispered in her ear.

"You don't look so good, Hiyori."

"What- what are you saying Kiyotaka-kun? I'm fine.." Beads of sweat began to form in her forehead. I leaned in and gave her a hug. Despite Internet Sensei saying this action could cause jealousy in one's partner, I decided to make an exception this one time since Hiyori was a close friend.

"Tell me what's wrong. I might be able to help." I said.

"Haaaaaaa....." She seemed unresponsive.

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