chapter 7 ✧ meeting the band

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2012 | AGE 30

Katrina was currently stood around a table in one of SHIELD's bases, specifically one that could fly. She was joined by; Steve Rogers, Captain America himself; Tony Stark, Iron Man; Dr Bruce Banner, and his alter ego 'The Hulk' which had yet to appear (to everyones relief) and Agent Natasha Romanoff, The Black Widow. They had also been joined by the Norse God himself, Thor. Clint had been brainwashed by Loki, Thor's adopted brothers, sceptre so he wasn't there. They had just captured said Norse God and were talking about him. Katrina had met all of them before, other than Banner, so she didn't need introductions.

She had met Steve not that long after he had come out of the ice. She knew Steve was smart, and wouldn't fall for the 1940's set up SHIELD had created. And of course, she was right. After he had busted his way out of the room and the SHIELD base, Fury had followed him.

She wasn't sure what he had planned but soon Fury returned with a petrified Steve Rogers. Katrina had taken him to a spare room in the base, sat him down, and explained everything to him. He listened, believed it, he kind of had to, but she could still tell he was terrified. She had an idea, so she went to the kitchen. Steve didn't even realise she left (he was still freaking out), until she returned with two cups of hot chocolate (or cocoa if that's what you say). She handed him one and he looked at her weirdly. 'It's not poisoned okay? Trust me' she assured him. He was still weary but something about Katrina made him trust her, so he accepted the drink. After that day, Katrina and Steve had become great friends, she was one of the only people he trusted, after the whole pretend 1940's thing SHIELD did, he didn't trust them to tell him the truth, he just didn't trust them point blank. Katrina had helped him get settled into an apartment SHIELD had bought him and with many other things. She had tried to help him with technology but gave up on that very quickly.

She had met Natasha when Clint had introduced the two. After her first encounter with Clint they had also become great friends. Nat and Katrina bonded because they were a great match for eachother. They were also both as scary as eachother, so whenever the two were together everyone stayed out of their way. Katrina, Nat and Clint had become the famous SHIELD trio and were always sent together on missions. All three of them could speak Russian so they would always gossip about other agents that they knew couldn't speak the language right in front of them. Then they would all laugh about it later.

She had met Thor when he had stormed the SHIELD's temporary base they had set up around the big hammer (Thor's hammer that was apparently called Mjolnir according to him). Their meeting was very brief, they only really got to say hello before he was taken to a room where they kept him in. That was until Phil spoke to Selvig who soon took him from SHIELD.

After the whole fight with 'The Destroyer', Phil quickly brought him back in to ask him who he was and what he was. Both Phil and Katrina asked him questions before letting him go back to Asgard (his home realm according to him).

Finally, she met Tony Stark earlier that day when she and Phil went to go and bring him in to take down Loki. They both stood their uncomfortably while his girlfriend Pepper said something dirty to him. Phil left the room with Pepper while Katrina stayed behind and watched Stark look at the tesseract. 'So you gonna help or what?' She asked him. He spun around to look at her, 'I'm guessing this is dangerous? Like extremely dangerous' she nodded in reply. 'It powers Loki's sceptre, the one he used to brainwash two really smart SHIELD agents.' Tony thought for a moment, 'Norse God? What is a Norse God?' he asked her. She sighed, 'it's pretty self explanatory, you know Thor? The one on your screen right now? Well he's the God of Thunder and he told us that Loki - his brother - is the God of Mischief (and lies but they don't ever say that I don't think). They are very strong and powerful. Anyway, answer my question, are you going to help?'

Tony looked at Katrina once more, she raised an eyebrow at him. He smiled, 'I'll be there.'

Fury clearing his throat brought her back to reality. He looked at them all and said something about Banner only being there to track the cube. Katrina didn't really care. She just wanted to send Loki back to Asgard.

'Let's start with that stick of his, it may be magical but it works an awful lot like a HYDRA weapon' Steve said. Katrina flinched at the mention of HYDRA. She didn't want to think about them. Fury noticed this and quickly interjected, 'I don't know about that, but it is powered by the cube. And I'd like to know how Loki used it to turn two of the sharpest men I know into his personal flying monkeys.' Katrina chuckled at Fury's reference and Thor's confused face. Turns out Steve also got the reference and was quite proud of himself for knowing it.

She saw Tony roll his eyes before turning to Banner, 'Shall we play, doctor?'
'Let's play some,' Bruce replied before they both exited the room.

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Also I'm sorry this chapter is slightly shorter than the others - I thought this was a good place to stop. This chapter is also kinda a filler chapter (it's just covering all the meeting points so I don't have to write Katrina into all the other movies because I'm lazy).

Thanks for reading!

Love you all🤍
- Kai x

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