chapter 6 ✧ shield has answers

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Quick question: should I add a love interest into this book? If so who? I was think maybe Bucky later on when they meet again (cos obviously civil war and that) but I'd appreciate if you guys suggested people and why maybe? (I'll credit you if I choose it, I might go with Bucky tho). Thanks🤍
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It had been a few days since Katrina had joined SHIELD and all had been well. She was currently in the cafeteria eating her lunch with Phil Coulson. 'So... as Fury said when he was interrogating you, we have tabs open on your brother, would you like to know anything about him? I can get his file for you' Phil suggested. Katrina shrugged, 'sure, I mean I have no recognition of him or any of my childhood so why not.' Phil smiled, happy he could be of use to Katrina.

After Fury had interrogated Katrina he left Phil to show her around the base - obviously removing her straight jacket first. They still couldn't fully trust her however the trusted her enough to know she wouldn't attack them. Phil and Katrina immediately clicked and became friends. She didn't really want to talk to people, so she stuck by Phil. He was fine with this, he loved making new friends, and helping others.

After they finished their lunch Phil returned to his office and Katrina went to train. She wrapped up her hands and walked over to one of the punching bags. She started throwing punches at it, getting all her anger out. She thought about HYDRA, about what they did to her, the pain she went through. Eventually she had to stop because she broke the punching bag...all of them. Oops.

While she was unwrapping her hands she heard someone clear their throat. She snapped her head up to see Phil and she smiled warmly at him. He smiled back before setting a file down in front of her. The file had a name written in bold across the top, HELMUT ZEMO. 'That's everything we have on your brother since the day he was born, maybe it will help jog your memory' Phil said before turning around and exiting the training room. Katrina looked down at the file once more before picking it up and exiting just as Phil did.

Katrina sat on her bed, file in hand. She was hesitant on opening it. This was her brother. Someone she should remember. But didn't. Eventually, after contemplating whether to open it or not, she opened it and started to read the file.

Full Name: Baron Helmut J. Zemo

Katrina saw in her file that she was a Baroness but just shrugged it off. But now she was genuinely curious. Her family was royalty? She couldn't comprehend it. Why did she not know before? Well Fury did mention that her parents died so that might play a part. She decided on asking Phil about it later.

Current Alias: Baron Zemo
Sex: Male
DOB: November 21 1986
Age: 23

All of these were just normal things, however Katrina did feel a pang of guilt. It said here he was 23 years old and she knew she was 27 because Fury had given her, her own file a few days ago so she could know basic things about herself that she couldn't remember.

Place of birth: Leipzig, Germany

Again she knew she was German from her own file.

Height: 5'10''

'Short' She laughed to herself.

Weight: 183 lbs (83.01 kg)
Eye colour: Medium Brown
Hair: Light brown
Race: Caucasian
Citizenship: German

Average things she didn't really care about. She knew what he looked like because there were a few pictures of him inside the file. She looked at them. She could kind of see the resemblance. They had a few similar traits.

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