chapter 4 ✧ the words of a villain

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The next few days Helmut had spent doing nothing. He couldn't do anything. He was worried, distraught and scared. He hadn't been able to eat or sleep properly - he stayed up hoping that Katrina would walk through the front door and tell him how sorry she was for not calling him and how something had come up so she went to stay somewhere else. But alas no return of Katrina.

It had been exactly a month since she disappeared. Helmut had spent the day asking every one in the city if they had seen his sister. To his dismay, no one had. He was losing hope until he spoke to a man called Lucas who worked at a shop near the field Katrina went to, to make her flower crowns. He told Helmut that he had seen Katrina walk past his shop earlier the day she went missing but never left. He had assumed that she had gone a different way home - maybe for a nice scenic route - obviously he had been wrong.

And that was how Helmut had ended up here, lying face down in a field of flowers. He was hoping that if he looked around where Katrina was last seen he would find something, anything, that could give him an idea of where she went. Lucas had also told him that a suspicious man had passed his shop not long after Katrina, and he too hadn't left. That was all Helmut needed to come to the conclusion that she had been kidnapped - by that man. Unfortunately, he hadn't found anything that was of any use. The only thing he did find was a flower crown, it only looked a few days old, so Helmut decided that was the one Katrina had been making when she got kidnapped.

Helmut searched for a while longer, but still found nothing that could help him track his sister down. He only decided to go back home when it got too dark to see anything - a torch wouldn't have been able to pick up on everything. When he arrived home he was absolutely shattered. He wanted nothing more than to lay down in his warm bed and curl up under the duvet but he just couldn't. And as always, he found himself sat on the sofa flicking through the channels on the TV, hoping that his sister was okay - or at least alive. He could never have imagined the pain Katrina was being put through at that very second.

Meanwhile at the HYDRA base, Katrina was back in the chair she had been in the first day she arrived. The one that she had been in when she had been injected with the serum and the one she had been in when she had been brainwashed and wiped of her memory. HYDRA had put words in her brain, words that if said, could turn her into HYDRA's personal murder puppet. They hadn't said them yet. They wanted to make sure Katrina was an expert at hand to hand combat without being under their full control, before they went straight in with the murder puppet training. It had been a month since her arrival and they had decided that today was the day that they used them, send Katrina on a small mission, not a proper one, obviously - just let her take out a few other HYDRA assassins.

'What are we here for? You gonna mash up my brain again?' Katrina snapped at Pierce, causing him to smirk. 'No...well not exactly, we're going to control your brain' he replied. She cocked an eyebrow in confusion, his smirk only grew. He reached into his bag and pulled out a small red book with a navy blue star in the middle. That was when he started reading out the words, those damn words. In Russian, Pierce said: Waiting, Revenge, Eight, Darkness, Hope, Nineteen, Flowers, Powerful, Lifeline, Brother. 'Soldier?' He asked, once again in Russian. And in the same language she replied with 'ready to comply.'
Katrina looked at Pierce, awaiting her next instructions. 'Kill them, before they kill you' he said, opening the doors of the room to reveal a few HYDRA assassins. Katrina smiled a creepy, murderous smile, and walked towards the men. They mirrored her and soon they were lined up in front of her. She heard the doors click shut and smiled again, 'let's have some fun' she spoke before attempting to knock the first man down.

The other men soon followed suit, all landing punches, kicks and even bites, but soon she had killed them all. 'Weak..' she muttered under her breath before turning towards the door, 'now what?' She asked, hoping someone would answer her. Soon the room started to fill with a thick fog. Once Katrina inhaled it she started to feel light headed, her eyelids felt heavy and her body gave way causing her to pass out.

When she woke up, hours later, she was in the same chair that she was in earlier. Once her eyes focused, Pierce filled her vision. 'Well done Soldier, you have made us very proud, no one has been able to take down that many of our men on their own, and with such ease' he told her. She didn't reply, just looked at him with dead eyes. He took that as a thank you and removed the restraints. 'You will be taken back to your cell now' he said, and just like when she arrived, two men took hold of her arms and dragged her to her cell.

She laid in her bed, staring at the ceiling. She was thinking. Well actually she was trying to remember. Trying to remember life before HYDRA. She didn't know how long she had been there. She didn't know anything about herself. They had finally told her, her actual name. Katrina. However, no one ever used it. Katrina tried to remember if she had had any family. Friends. A home. Anything. She wondered if she had had any special interests or hobbies. But nothing came to mind. It infuriated her. Why couldn't she just remember? She knew HYDRA had something to do with her not being able to remember anything. She knew they were bad people. She could feel it. Katrina knew that no matter how bad they were, she could never escape. Even if she ran from them. They would find her. And they would not hesitate to say the words - now they knew they worked. The words that turn her into a weapon. A weapon only the person who says the words can control. A puppet. A sick, dangerous puppet. Oh how she hated this place. Katrina knew she was going to die there, one way or another. Whether that was by them, or herself, it didn't matter. HYDRA had control of her now. And she could never leave.

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A/N: I really hate this chapter, I feel like it's so badly written. It's also VERY repetitive.

Please let me know if there are any spelling/grammar mistakes.

Love you all🤍
- Kai x

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