chapter 9 ✧ engine 3

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Katrina and Steve kept running until they caught up with Tony. Through their comms they all heard Maria say something about engine 3 being down. They also heard her say that they need to patch that engine.

Fury's voice then filled their comms telling asking Tony if he copied that to which bee replied with 'I'm on it!'. They kept running until they arrived outside of a room. 'Find engine 3! I'll meet you both there' Tony told them. They both nodded in reply before running to find said engine.

'I know all SHIELD bases in and out I know where the engine is' Katrina told Steve. 'Thank goodness, cause I don't' he replied earning a chuckle from Katrina.

They soon arrive at the door to where the engine is located. 'This door is heavy, even for me aka one super soldier. There's two of us so if we both do it it shouldn't be too hard' Katrina told Steve. He nodded and they both started to push it open. When the door finally opened they were met with SHIELD workers in gas masks helping each other through the door. Katrina and Steve let them past before rushing over towards the edge to look at the full damage. 'Stark! Me and Cap are both here!' Katrina yelled into her earpiece. Steve looked at her. 'What?' She asked him. 'Cap really?'
She shrugged, 'it's a nickname.' He smiled, 'well in that case I'll call you Kat, short for Katrina.' She smiled back at him, 'sure why not.'

Tony flew over in his Iron Man suit to where they were. His suit scanned the area, studying the damage. 'I gotta get this super conducting cooling system back online before I can access the rotors and work on dislodging the debris.' Stark concluded before flying away again. They both watched as he started pulling the stuck rotor. 'I need you to get to that engine control panel and tell me which relays are in overload position,' he instructed them. They both nodded and jumped over to the other side of the broken platform. Cap ripped open the front of the panel and Katrina started studying it.

'What's it look like in there?' They both heard Tony ask over the comms. 'It seems to run on some form of electricity,' Steve replied looking slightly defeated and very much confused. 'Well, you're not wrong' Tony commented.

'Move out the way grandpa' Katrina yelled at Cap before she pushed him out of the way. He frowned at her but realised that she was going to be better at telling Tony what was going on.

'The relays are intact. What's our next move?' She told him over the comms. 'Even if I clear the rotors, this thing won't re-engage without a jump. I'm gonna have to get in there and push' he responded. Katrina laughed 'that's what she said' she muttered under her breath. Luckily no one heard it. Cap suddenly said to Tony, 'well if that thing gets up to speed, you'll get shredded!'

There was a beat of silence before Tony replied, 'Then stay in the control unit and reverse polarity long enough to disengage mag-'
'Speak English!' Cap yelled at him. Katrina sighed before translating what Tony had said, 'See that red lever over there? It'll slow the rotors down long enough for Tony to get out.'
'Yeah what she said, go stand by it and wait for my word!' Tony added.

Cap looked at the lever before jumping over to it. Katrina decided to stay were she was and keep a look out. She wondered what the others were doing. A big roar of the Hulk signified that it wasn't going well.

Suddenly she spotted a few people shooting at Cap. She grabbed her hand guns from their holsters on her belt and started to shoot back at them. She knocked a couple of the men down but there were still quite a few. Then, Katrina spotted Cap leave his place by the lever - probably to get something. She continued to shoot at the men who had started aiming at her. When Cap returned to his place in front of the lever, he had a large gun in his hand and started firing at the men as well.

She both continued to shoot at the men, until Cap lost his footing and fell off of the platform - grabbing onto a loose wire. Katrina obviously noticed this and jumped onto the platform Cap was previously on. She tried to grab his hand but he wasn't close enough. In a desperate attempt to grab Cap, Katrina leant over the edge and gripped his hand. Then Tony's voice filled both of their comms, 'I need one of you to pull that lever!' They both groaned, 'we're gonna need a moment' Katrina yelled back at him. 'Lever, NOW!' He shouted.

At that moment, Cap grabbed Katrina's hand and she pulled him onto the platform. While he moved fully onto the platform, Katrina spun around and twisted the lever. They both watched as Tony fell out of the vent the lever opened up. While he flew over to them, the last man that they weren't able to knock down stopped shooting at them and aimed his gun at Tony. Tony flew at him, and tackled him to the ground. He rolled off of the man and said into his earpiece, 'thanks for pulling the lever when I asked guys.' Cap and Katrina both rolled their eyes and sighed in relief.

Not that long after, the three of them were sat around the same table that they were sat around the day before. They had all just been informed of Phil Coulson's death. Katrina was distraught. She had just lost another person in her life. He was her first friend she had made when she first arrived at SHIELD, and now he was gone.

Fury threw his Captain America trading cards at Cap and said something which didn't register in Katrina's brain. She couldn't think straight. He then started talking about The Avengers Initiative and how Phil dies still believing in that idea - or something like that. The only thing that did fully register in her brain was Tony getting up and leaving. He probably did t want to hear anymore. Neither did Katrina, however she couldn't be bothered to move.

She only moved when Cap held out his had once again, gesturing for her to follow him. She took his hand and left the room with him.

They walked down the hallway in a comfortable silence until Cap broke it by asking, 'I wonder where Thor and Banner are, like Fury said, no one knows where they are.' Katrina sighed, 'I really don't know, they could be anywhere. I'm just worried about what Loki has planned next. I don't want to lose another friend.'

Cap stopped walking, which caused Katrina to turn around. He put his hands on both of her shoulders, 'everything is going to be fine. Kat we've got this. Once we find Thor and Bruce we can take down anything Loki throws our way' he smiled at her. She smiled back at him, 'yeah we have got this!' Cap laughed, 'that's the spirit!' They both burst into laughter and continued to walk.

Cap went to go and talk to Tony while Katrina decided to just walk around the base and think about life. Specifically her life - or at least the bits she could remember.

She must have been walking for a while because Cap suddenly appears next to her in full uniform. She raised an eyebrow at him. 'We know where Loki is, so suit up' he told her. 'Aye, aye, Captain' she saluted before going to get her suit on. Steve chuckled before going to tell Nat and Clint what they were doing.

All four of them, Cap, Clint, Nat and Katrina, met up outside where SHIELD kept their jets and walked towards one of them. A SHIELD pilot, who looked quite new to Katrina, was sat inside and tried to stop them. 'You are not authorized to be here' he told them but Cap just held up a hand and replied with 'Son... just don't.'

The pilot just sighed, knowing he wasn't going to win so he let them on. As he passed Katrina she whispered into his ear, 'oh and by the way I'm a level 7 SHIELD agent and I can fly this jet and so can he' she gestured to Clint who was getting ready to pilot the jet. '...I'm allowed to be in here' she added. The boy just apologised before shuffling out of the jet.

Clint sat down in the pilots seat and Katrina sat in the co-pilots seat. The other two sat in the back. 'Alright guys... let's get this dick of a Norse God!' Katrina said before Clint flew the jet out of the base.

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A/N: I promise the next chapter is going to be the last one based around 'The Avengers' (the movie I mean).

I'm currently at school right this minute lmao.

Anyway yeah thanks for reading!

Love you all🤍
- Kai x

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