chapter 8 ✧ fallin out in the lab

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A/N: I'm sorry I think it changes tenses at some point but I can't be bothered to read it back so if it does please don't bring it up.
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It had been a while since the teams last conversation and Katrina was wondering where everyone was. She decided to go to the lab because there was a 99% chance either Bruce or Tony were going to be there.

She walked in to see Steve and Tony having some sort of stand off. They both looked like they wanted to kill each other at that moment. Katrina quickly slipped past them and walked over to Bruce.
'Why do they both look pissed?' She asked him. 'Tony insulted Steve's suit' he replied with a small smirk. Katrina let out a small chuckle, 'really? Is that it?'
Bruce looked at her, 'Tony also said about how he was breaking into SHIELD's secure files which Steve didn't take a liking to.' Katrina rolled her eyes, 'classic Stark. He's done it before. He didn't get anything though because I was there to shut it down.'

Bruce chuckled, 'anyway why you on this team, and I don't mean that in a rude way! Just what's your special thing?' She sighed, 'I used to be one of HYDRA's captives, they injected with the same serum Rogers was injected with back in the 40s. While on a mission to retrieve info from SHIELD, Fury shot me with a temporary paralyser and brought me in. They only let me become a SHIELD agent because my parents were before HYDRA killed so they thought I would know who they were and surrender. There were two problems with that - I couldn't remember anything because HYDRA wiped my memory and my parents never told me they worked for SHIELD. Fury gave up with that approach and just told me I would be an asset because I had the serum in me. He also said that SHIELD would provide protection and not let HYDRA take me again. I couldn't really say no so I agreed. So basically I'm a knock off Captain America.'

Bruce didn't say anything for a moment, taking in everything she had said, 'wow..' was all he could say in reply. They stood in uncomfortable silence for ages until Katrina said, 'I still haven't got any of my memories back yet, and yeah it sucks.'

She smiled sadly at him before turning to look at the boys fighting, only to see Steve had already left. Katrina turned to Bruce once again and said, 'please find that cube.' Before quickly exiting the room.

Bruce watched her leave before turning back to his work. Tony shuffled towards him and asked, 'what's ruined your mood, ya look sad.' Bruce sighed before replying, 'Katrina, she's been through so much.'

Tony frowned, he had read through her file before but all it said was 'previous HYDRA agent' and 'trained assassin'. What had HYDRA done to her? He wanted to find out. He felt some sort of need to protect her. Like an older brother. He didn't know why he just did. He decided on asking her about it later before quickly resuming what he was doing before - helping to track the cube.

Katrina was standing next to Agent Maria Hill in the main section of the aircraft when she heard Nat's voice through the comms 'Loki means to unleash the Hulk. Keep Banner in the lab, I'm on my way. Send Thor as well.' Katrina sighed before making her way back towards the lab she had just come from.

A few hours passed and the three of them had stopped tracking the cube - Katrina had gotten bored so she had tried to help. During that time, Tony had asked Katrina what HYDRA had done to her and she told him what she could remember, they had all played football with a screwed up bit of paper and Tony had created makeshift helium. The had obviously inhaled that which lead to them all lying on the floor laughing with very high pitched laughs.

Suddenly, Fury walked into the room. He looked shocked that we were just standing talking to each other. He asked them what they were doing and Tony just responded with 'Uh...kind of been wondering the same thing about you.'

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