chapter 2 ✧ need more than hope

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2005 | AGE 23

Life had been good for the Zemo siblings until one day the thing they dreaded happening happened.

Katrina was sitting down on her flower crown bench, threading an assortment of pink and white flowers into the crown shape. She was almost done when a man sat next to her and did nothing. He just stared at her. Okay so he's a pervert. Were Katrina's first thoughts. He then turned to look at the phone in his hand and started texting someone. Katrina thought that he maybe just wanted to talk to her but last minute thought not to so she went back to making her flower crown.

He stayed there until she finished. When she stood up to leave he asked her 'is your name Baroness Katrina Lucille Zemo?' Katrina turned to look at him before hesitantly nodding her head. The man started to smile like the Cheshire Cat which immediately caused alarm bells to ring inside Katrina's head.

She scanned him to see if she would be able to out run him, which is something f she had learnt in her advanced hand-to-hand combat lessons, and she came to a conclusion that she wouldn't be able to do instead she stayed in her place and just stared straight back at him. His smile faltered slightly when he realised she wasn't moving anywhere but he quickly recovered when he thought about how much fun he could have fighting her. He had read her file that HYDRA had on her. After they had killed her parents they had kept tabs open on her and her brother. When they found out Katrina had started learning basic fighting moves and combat moves they decided to pay closer attention to her. They waited until she had the foundation of a HYDRA assassin before they sent one of their very own agents to bring her in.

The man took his stance and immediately Katrina scanned him again to figure out his weaknesses. Then she took her stance. He slowly creeped towards Katrina who didn't make any effort to move. She just stayed stuck in her position.

He kept moving closer until their chests were almost touching. They stayed like that for a while, waiting for the other to make the first move. This whole time Katrina had subtly reached into her belt and gripped the handle of the knife that was kept there for emergencies. She then whipped it out and tried to stab the mans shoulder but he was ready. He deflected her blow and grabbed her wrist and twisting it behind her back. Katrina was startled at how good he was and how he deflected her attack with no effort.

In that moment when Katrina was trying to decipher how he did that, the man had begun to lower her towards the floor. Realising this, Katrina snapped back to reality and tried to slip out of his grasp. She soon realised her technique wasn't very effective. She then tried to kick the man, hopefully where it hurt. That was a mistake, moving her feet caused her to fall face first on the ground. The man knelt on her back, stopping her from moving.

Katrina twisted her head to see what the man was doing and saw him pull a piece of cloth out of his pocket. She thought it was to tie around her mouth like they do in the movies when someone is being held hostage and tied to a chair. She started to try and kick him once more, again to no prevail. Suddenly he shoved the cloth under her nose while Katrina was focused on kicking him. Katrina didn't realise until she had already breathed in the chemical on the cloth. That was when she realised her mistake and tried to stay awake but slowly the affect of the chemical got to her and she slipped into unconsciousness.

Meanwhile, Helmut sat at his and Katrina's shared apartment wondering where his sister had got to. She should have been home ages ago. She was only out making a flower crown, it couldn't have taken that long could it? Maybe she had been held up talking to a local on her way back? He tried to keep all the thoughts about something and happening to her at the back of his mind. He didn't want to think about that. They had run from Germany so they didn't get killed like their parents. It had been years since their parents were murdered and no one had come for them yet. Come to kill them. So why would they now? The siblings logic was very bad but they stuck to it.

A couple hours passed and Katrina still hadn't come home. By now Helmut had given up on trying not to panic. He was pacing up and down their shared kitchen praying that she was alright. He didn't know what he would do if she wasn't, if she never came back to him. She was his best friend as well as his sister. The person that had always been there for him, and he was so grateful. He didn't realise how grateful he was for her until now. Until she was gone. 'Calm down Helmut she's fine, she can protect herself' he tried to reason with himself, however it did nothing.

Another hour had passed and by now Helmut had started crying. He was having a full mental breakdown. Still praying that his sister was alright - for both of their sakes. He wanted her to come back. He needed her. She was his lifeline.

By now four hours had passed and it was well into the evening, Helmut hadn't eaten since breakfast and sure he was starving. Well that's what his body was telling him.
Even though he was hungry he couldn't eat. He knew that if he did he would throw it straight back up again. However, he was thirsty. After all the crying his throat had become sore. So he went to get a nice warm cup of honey and lemon. When they were younger Katrina had made it for him when he was sick. She had always cared for him when he was sick. And he had tried to return the favour but she had always brushed him off saying things like 'I'm okay, I can look after myself' and 'you are my main priority, I need to look after you, I come second.'

Thinking about when they were younger made Helmut smile. That was when he realised how tired he actually was. He couldn't sleep. He wouldn't let himself until he knew that his sister was safe. Until she walked through the front door to their apartment.

He shuffled back to the sofa and lied down on it. He turned on the small TV they had. It was an old one but it still worked. He flicked through the limited channels they had and settled on just watching the news - to see if there was any information on a missing woman. The Sokovian news reporter rattled on about things he didn't care about. He still listened intently, just in case there was news on his sister. His eye lids started getting heavy but he tried to stay awake. He wanted to make sure his sister was okay. Unfortunately, he lost the battle and sleep took over his body. He fell asleep hoping his sister was okay. After all hope was all he could do.

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A/N: And another chapter done! Thank you for reading this book.

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Please correct any spelling or grammar mistakes I have made.

Love you all🤍
- Kai x

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