Padded Cell and Straight Jacket

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A completely white room.

No windows, just padded walls.

In the center, a single figure sat. His arms wrapped tightly around him by a jacket. His eyes dull and lifeless after staring at white for days on end.

No human interaction aside from occasional visits from UN, those becoming scarce.

For days it was just him and his thoughts, he'd hear voices outside every once and a while, psychiatrists turning down helping him.

He didn't mind.

The silence was calming. The white walls becoming comforting.

He'd stare at the walls until his eyes burned, but he didn't care.

One day, he heard voices outside his door. Another psychiatrist, he guessed. He listened closely picking out bits and pieces but from the sounds of it, the psychiatrist turned it down.

He went back to his normal daily routine, staring at the wall. But a door opening interrupted him.

A quick glance let him know that UN had entered the room, probably to tell him about what happened like he always did. He rolled his eyes and waited for the man to talk.

"Good news, United States of America." UN began, addressing him by his full name, making the American narrow his eyes. "Oh right, sorry, I meant America."

America rolled his eyes, wishing he would say what he needed to so he would be gone sooner. "You have a new psychiatrist. He'll be here tomorrow."

UN left without another word, leaving nothing but silence behind. The silence was broken by a small laugh, America's laugh. "They won't stay for long."


Oh boy a new chapter and it only took 2 months!

Sorry about that. Been going through a lot. Got a job, quit out of stress. School been too stressful. Got abandoned by a friend.

Everything has been great, had two mental breakdowns back to back so that was great.

I'll be going now.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2021 ⏰

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